List of chamber music works by Anton Bruckner

In addition to his orchestral and vocal compositions, Anton Bruckner composed a few works for chamber ensembles during his stays in Linz and Vienna.

Linz period

After the end of Sechter's tuition, Bruckner studied by Otto Kitzler to exercise further in orchestration. During this period (1862-1863) he composed the following works for string quartet:

  • Six scherzi for string quartet, WAB 209.[1] These six scherzi, composed during the spring of 1862, are found on p. 58–74 of the Kitzler-Studienbuch.[2]
    The Scherzo No. 6 in G minor, "a dark, quick movement with a schumannesque, sunny Trio in G major",[3] was performed first in an arrangement for string orchestra on 28 May 2016 by the Göttinger Barockorchester under the baton of Benjamin-Gunnar Cohrs.[3]
    The original version of the Scherzi No. 5 in F major and No. 6 in G minor was premiered by the Bruckners Kammermusik ensemble in Tokyo on 8 March 2019.[4] The performances can be heard on YouTube[5][6] and on John Berky's site.[7]
  • Theme and variations in E-flat major, WAB 210, a theme followed by six variations found on p. 92–104 of the Kitzler-Studienbuch.[8] The work was premiered at the Opening Concert of the St. Florianer Brucknertage 2023.[9] During this premiere, the strings of the Altomonte Orchester performed the two variants of the fifth variation. A year later, a recording by the Diotima Quartet was released.
  • The String Quartet in C minor, WAB 111, was composed between 28 July and 7 August 1862 as a further student exercise.[10] The work, which is found on pp. 165–196 of the Kitzler Studienbuch,[2][11] is issued in Band XIII/1 of the Gesamtausgabe.[12]
  • Rondo in C minor, WAB 208. After the completion of the composition of the String Quartet, Kitzler tasked Bruckner with writing a new, more fully developed final rondo for the Quartet. The new rondo, which was composed on 15 August 1862,[13] is found on pp. 197–206 of the Kitzler Studienbuch.[2][14] It is issued separate in Band XII/1 of the Gesamtausgabe.[15]

During the period following Kitzler's tuition Bruckner composed the following work:

  • Abendklänge (Evening harmonies), WAB 110, is a 36-bar long character piece in E minor for violin and piano, which Anton Bruckner composed on 7 June 1866 for Hugo von Grienberger.[16][17] The work, the manuscript of which is stored in the archive of the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, is put in Band XII/7 of the Gesamtausgabe.[15]

Vienna period

During his stay in Vienna, Bruckner composed the following works for viola quintet:

  • The String Quintet in F major, WAB 112, was composed between December 1878 and July 1879 at the request of Joseph Hellmesberger, Sr. and was dedicated to Duke Max Emanuel of Bavaria.[18][19] The work, the manuscript of which is stored in the archive of the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, is put in Band XIII/2 of the Gesamtausgabe.[12]
  • The Intermezzo in D minor, WAB 113, was composed on 21 December 1879. It was intended to replace the scherzo of the String Quintet, which Hellmesberger found too challenging for the group to perform.[18][20] The Intermezzo, the manuscript of which is stored in the archive of the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, is put with the String Quintet in Band XIII/2 of the Gesamtausgabe.[12]


  1. ^ Bruckner-Online – Scherzi für Streichquartett (WAB 209/1-6)
  2. ^ a b c Gesamtausgabe – Kitzler Studienbuch (Faksimile)
  3. ^ a b Benjamin-Gunnar Cohrs conducts more premieres from the Bruckner Studybook
  4. ^ Two Bruckner Premieres in Japan
  5. ^ Premiere recording of the Scherzo in F Major
  6. ^ Premiere recording of the Scherzo in G Minor
  7. ^ Two premieres from Bruckner's "Kitzler Study Book"
  8. ^ Bruckner-Online – Thema mit Variationen für Streichquartett in Es‑Dur (WAB 210)
  9. ^ St. Florianer Brucknertage 2023
  10. ^ U. Harten, p. 406
  11. ^ C. van Zwol, p. 682
  12. ^ a b c Gesamtausgabe – Kammermusik
  13. ^ C. van Zwol, p. 676
  14. ^ U. Harten, p. 370
  15. ^ a b Gesamtausgabe – Frühe Orchesterwerke und Instrumentalstücke
  16. ^ C. van Zwol, p. 681
  17. ^ U. Harten, p. 42
  18. ^ a b C. van Zwol, pp. 683–684
  19. ^ Uwe Harten, p. 406–407
  20. ^ U. Harten, pp. 216–217


  • Anton Bruckner: Sämtliche Werke, Band XXV: Das Kitzler Studienbuch (1861-1863), facsimile, Musikwissenschaftlicher Verlag der Internationalen Bruckner-Gesellschaft, Paul Hawkshaw and Erich Wolfgang Partsch (Editors), Vienna, 2015
  • Anton Bruckner: Sämtliche Werke: Band XIII/1: Streichquartett C-Moll Musikwissenschaftlicher Verlag der Internationalen Bruckner-Gesellschaft, Leopold Nowak (Editor), Vienna, 1955
  • Anton Bruckner: Sämtliche Werke: Band XII/1: Rondo C-Moll, Musikwissenschaftlicher Verlag der Internationalen Bruckner-Gesellschaft, Leopold Nowak (Editor), Vienna, 1985
  • Anton Bruckner – Sämtliche Werke, Band XII/7: Abendklänge for violin and piano, Musikwissenschaftlicher Verlag der Internationalen Bruckner-Gesellschaft, Walburga Litschauer (editor), Vienna, 1995
  • Anton Bruckner: Sämtliche Werke: Band XIII/2: Streichquintett F-Dur / Intermezzo D-Moll, Musikwissenschaftlicher Verlag der Internationalen Bruckner-Gesellschaft, Gerold W. Gruber (Editor), Vienna, 2007
  • Uwe Harten, Anton Bruckner. Ein Handbuch. Residenz Verlag [de], Salzburg, 1996. ISBN 3-7017-1030-9.
  • Cornelis van Zwol, Anton Bruckner 1824-1896 - Leven en werken, uitg. Thoth, Bussum, Netherlands, 2012. ISBN 978-90-6868-590-9
  • v
  • t
  • e
  • Symphonies (1863–1896)
  • Symphony in F minor (1863)
  • No. 1 in C minor (1866/1891)
  • Symphony in D minor (1869)
  • No. 2 in C minor (1872/1877)
  • No. 3 in D minor (1873/1877/1889)
  • No. 4 in E♭ major (Romantic; 1874/1878–1880/1888)
  • No. 5 in B♭ major (1876)
  • No. 6 in A major (1881)
  • No. 7 in E major (1883)
  • No. 8 in C minor (1887/1890)
  • No. 9 in D minor (1896) (unfinished)
Other orchestral
  • Four Orchestral Pieces (1862)
  • Overture in G minor (1862–1863)
  • March in E-flat major (1865)
  • Symphonisches Präludium (1876)
Sacred works
  • Psalm settings (1852–1892)
  • Psalm 114 (1852)
  • Magnificat (1852)
  • Psalm 22 (c. 1852)
  • Psalm 146 (c. 1856)
  • Festive Cantata: Preiset den Herrn (1862)
  • Psalm 112 (1863)
  • Te Deum (1881–1884)
  • Psalm 150 (1892)
  • Motets (c. 1835–1892)
  • Pange lingua (c. 1835/1891)
  • Libera me (c. 1843)
  • Asperges me (1843–1844)
  • Two Asperges me (1844–1845)
  • Tantum ergo (1845)
  • Tantum ergo (1845–1846)
  • Dir, Herr, dir will ich mich ergeben (c. 1845)
  • O Du liebes Jesu-Kind (1845–1846)
  • Herz Jesu-Lied (1845–1846)
  • Four Tantum ergo (1846/1888)
  • Tantum ergo (1846/1888)
  • In jener letzten der Nächte (c. 1848)
  • Two Totenlieder (1852)
  • Libera me (1854)
  • Tantum ergo (c. 1854)
  • Ave Maria (1856)
  • Ave Maria (1861)
  • Afferentur regi (1861)
  • Pange lingua (1868)
  • Inveni David (1868)
  • Iam lucis orto sidere (1868/1886)
  • Locus iste (1869)
  • Christus factus est (1873)
  • Tota pulchra es (1878)
  • Os justi (1879)
  • Ave Maria (1882)
  • Christus factus est (1884)
  • Salvum fac populum tuum (1884)
  • Veni Creator Spiritus (c. 1884)
  • Ecce sacerdos magnus (1885)
  • Virga Jesse (1885)
  • Ave Regina caelorum (c. 1886)
  • Vexilla regis (1892)
Other works
Secular vocal
  • Cantatas (1845–1893)
  • Vergißmeinnicht (1845)
  • Entsagen (c. 1851)
  • Arneth Cantata: Heil Vater! Dir zum hohen Feste (1852)
  • Mayer Cantata: Auf Brüder! auf (1855)
  • Festgesang: Sankt Jodok sproß (1855)
  • Germanenzug (1865)
  • Helgoland (1893)
  • Lieder (1850–1882)
  • Der Mondabend (c. 1850)
  • Frühlingslied (1851)
  • Wie bist du, Frühling, gut und treu (1856)
  • Herbstkummer (1864)
  • Im April (c. 1865)
  • Mein Herz und deine Stimme (1868)
  • Volkslied (1882)
Choral works
  • Weltliche Chorwerke (1843–1893)
  • An dem Feste (1843)
  • Das Lied vom deutschen Vaterland (c. 1845)
  • Ständchen (c. 1846)
  • Der Lehrerstand (c. 1847)
  • Sternschnuppen (c. 1848)
  • Das edle Herz (c. 1851)
  • Die Geburt (1852)
  • Vor Arneths Grab (1854)
  • Laßt Jubeltöne laut erklingen (1854)
  • Des Dankes Wort sei mir vergönnt (at the latest 1855)
  • Das edle Herz (1857)
  • Am Grabe (1861)
  • Du bist wie eine Blume (1861)
  • Der Abendhimmel (1862)
  • Herbstlied (1864)
  • Um Mitternacht (1864)
  • Trauungschor (1865)
  • Der Abendhimmel (1866)
  • Vaterlandslied (1866)
  • Vaterländisch Weinlied (1866)
  • Mitternacht (1869)
  • Nachruf (1877)
  • Das hohe Lied (1876–1879)
  • Abendzauber (1878)
  • Zur Vermählungsfeier (1878)
  • Sängerbund (1882)
  • Volkslied (1882)
  • Trösterin Musik (1886)
  • Um Mitternacht (1886)
  • Träumen und Wachen (1890)
  • Der deutsche Gesang (1892)
  • Tafellied (1893)
  • Piano works (1850–1868)
  • Chamber music (1862–1879)
  • String Quartet (1862)
  • Rondo in C minor (1862)
  • Abendklänge (1866)
  • String Quintet (1879)
  • Intermezzo in D minor (1879)
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  • Classical Music