List of cantatas by Anton Bruckner

Anton Bruckner composed eight cantatas during his life, the earliest Vergißmeinnicht, in 1845, the last, Helgoland, in 1893.

Kronstorf and Sankt Florian

The five cantatas, composed between 1845 and 1855 during Bruckner's stay as schoolteacher's assistant in Kronstorf and as organist in Sankt Florian, were Name-day cantatas. These cantatas are put in Band XXII/1 of the Gesamtausgabe.[1]

During his stay as schoolteacher's assistant in Kronstorf Bruckner composed his first cantata:

  • Bruckner composed the cantata Musikalischer Versuch nach dem Kammer-Styl (Musical essay in chamber style), WAB 93, in D major for his teacher aggregation in May 1845.[2][3]
    • He made a second version to celebrate the name day of Alois Knauer, the parish priest of Kronstorf.[2][3]
    • He sent thereafter a third version, which he entitled Vergißmeinnicht (Do not forget me), to remind Friedrich Mayer of the promise to provide him with an employment in the St. Florian Abbey.[2][4]

During his stay as organist in Sankt Florian, Bruckner composed the following four name-day cantatas:

  • Entsagen (Renunciation), WAB 14, is a cantata in B-flat major composed in c. 1851 on a text of Oskar von Redwitz's Amaranth for the name day of Michael Arneth, the prior of the St. Florian Abbey.[5][6]
  • The Arneth Cantata Heil Vater! Dir zum hohen Feste (Hail father! To you on this noble celebration), WAB 61, is a cantata in D major composed in 1852 for the name day of Michael Arneth.[7][8]
    • In 1857, he made a shortened second version as Auf Brüder! auf zur frohen Feier!, for the name day of Friedrich Mayer, the next prior of Abbey.[7][9]
    • In c. 1870, a third version as Heil dir zum schöne Erstlingsfeste was set for a Primitzfeier (celebration of the first Mass) by a newly ordained priest in Kremsmünster.[10][11]
  • The Mayer Cantata Auf, Brüder! auf, und die Saiten zur Hand! (Let's go, brothers! and take the strings into our hands!), WAB 60, is a cantata in D major composed in 1855 for the name day of Friedrich Mayer.[12][13]
  • The Festgesang Sankt Jodok sproß aus edlem Stamme (Festive song "Saint Judoc came from a noble house"), WAB 15, is a cantata in C major composed at the end of 1855 for the name day of Jodok Stülz, the dean of the St. Florian Abbey.[12][14]

Linz and Vienna

In the 1860s, during his stay in Linz, after the end of Sechter's and Kitzler's tuition, Bruckner composed the following two cantatas:

  • The festive cantata Preiset den Herrn (Praise the Lord), WAB 16, is a religious cantata in D major composed in 1862 for the celebration of the laying of the foundation stone of the new Mariä-Empfängnis-Dom of Linz.[15][16]
  • Germanenzug, WAB 70, is a secular, patriotic cantata in D minor composed in 1863–1864 on a text by August Silberstein for competition at the first Oberösterreichisch-Salzburgisches Sängerbundesfest.[17][18]

Thirty years later, during his stay in Vienna, Bruckner composed this last cantata:

  • Helgoland, WAB 71, is a secular, patriotic cantata in G minor composed in 1893 on another text by August Silberstein to celebrate the 50th birthday of the Men's Choir of Vienna.[19][20]

These three cantatas are put in Band XXII/2 of the Gesamtausgabe.[1]


  1. ^ a b Gesamtausgabe – Kantaten und Chorwerke mit Orchester
  2. ^ a b c C. van Zwol, p. 711
  3. ^ a b U. Harten, pp. 296-297
  4. ^ U. Harten, p. 464
  5. ^ C. van Zwol, pp. 711-712
  6. ^ U. Harte, p. 145
  7. ^ a b C. van Zwol, p. 712
  8. ^ U. Harten, pp. 192-193
  9. ^ U. Harten, pp. 66-67
  10. ^ C. van Zwol, pp. 712-713
  11. ^ U. Harten, p. 192
  12. ^ a b C. van Zwol, p. 713
  13. ^ U. Harten, p. 66
  14. ^ U. Harten, pp. 151-152
  15. ^ C. van Zwol, pp. 713-714
  16. ^ U. Harten, pp. 152-153
  17. ^ C. van Zwol, p. 714
  18. ^ U. Harten, pp. 174-175
  19. ^ C. van Zwol, pp. 714-715
  20. ^ U. Harten, p. 193


  • Anton Bruckner – Sämtliche Werke, Band XXII/1: Kantaten und Chorwerke I (1845–1855), Musikwissenschaftlicher Verlag der Internationalen Bruckner-Gesellschaft, Franz Burkhart, Rudolf H. Führer and Leopold Nowak (Editor), Vienna, 1987
  • Anton Bruckner – Sämtliche Werke, Band XXII/2: Kantaten und Chorwerke II (1862–1893), Musikwissenschaftlicher Verlag der Internationalen Bruckner-Gesellschaft, Franz Burkhart, Rudolf H. Führer and Leopold Nowak (Editor), Vienna, 1987
  • Uwe Harten, Anton Bruckner. Ein Handbuch. Residenz Verlag [de], Salzburg, 1996. ISBN 3-7017-1030-9.
  • Cornelis van Zwol, Anton Bruckner 1824-1896 - Leven en werken, uitg. Thoth, Bussum, Netherlands, 2012. ISBN 978-90-6868-590-9
  • v
  • t
  • e
  • Symphonies (1863–1896)
  • Symphony in F minor (1863)
  • No. 1 in C minor (1866/1891)
  • Symphony in D minor (1869)
  • No. 2 in C minor (1872/1877)
  • No. 3 in D minor (1873/1877/1889)
  • No. 4 in E♭ major (Romantic; 1874/1878–1880/1888)
  • No. 5 in B♭ major (1876)
  • No. 6 in A major (1881)
  • No. 7 in E major (1883)
  • No. 8 in C minor (1887/1890)
  • No. 9 in D minor (1896) (unfinished)
Other orchestral
  • Four Orchestral Pieces (1862)
  • Overture in G minor (1862–1863)
  • March in E-flat major (1865)
  • Symphonisches Präludium (1876)
Sacred works
  • Psalm settings (1852–1892)
  • Psalm 114 (1852)
  • Magnificat (1852)
  • Psalm 22 (c. 1852)
  • Psalm 146 (c. 1856)
  • Festive Cantata: Preiset den Herrn (1862)
  • Psalm 112 (1863)
  • Te Deum (1881–1884)
  • Psalm 150 (1892)
  • Motets (c. 1835–1892)
  • Pange lingua (c. 1835/1891)
  • Libera me (c. 1843)
  • Asperges me (1843–1844)
  • Two Asperges me (1844–1845)
  • Tantum ergo (1845)
  • Tantum ergo (1845–1846)
  • Dir, Herr, dir will ich mich ergeben (c. 1845)
  • O Du liebes Jesu-Kind (1845–1846)
  • Herz Jesu-Lied (1845–1846)
  • Four Tantum ergo (1846/1888)
  • Tantum ergo (1846/1888)
  • In jener letzten der Nächte (c. 1848)
  • Two Totenlieder (1852)
  • Libera me (1854)
  • Tantum ergo (c. 1854)
  • Ave Maria (1856)
  • Ave Maria (1861)
  • Afferentur regi (1861)
  • Pange lingua (1868)
  • Inveni David (1868)
  • Iam lucis orto sidere (1868/1886)
  • Locus iste (1869)
  • Christus factus est (1873)
  • Tota pulchra es (1878)
  • Os justi (1879)
  • Ave Maria (1882)
  • Christus factus est (1884)
  • Salvum fac populum tuum (1884)
  • Veni Creator Spiritus (c. 1884)
  • Ecce sacerdos magnus (1885)
  • Virga Jesse (1885)
  • Ave Regina caelorum (c. 1886)
  • Vexilla regis (1892)
Other works
Secular vocal
  • Cantatas (1845–1893)
  • Vergißmeinnicht (1845)
  • Entsagen (c. 1851)
  • Arneth Cantata: Heil Vater! Dir zum hohen Feste (1852)
  • Mayer Cantata: Auf Brüder! auf (1855)
  • Festgesang: Sankt Jodok sproß (1855)
  • Germanenzug (1865)
  • Helgoland (1893)
  • Lieder (1850–1882)
  • Der Mondabend (c. 1850)
  • Frühlingslied (1851)
  • Wie bist du, Frühling, gut und treu (1856)
  • Herbstkummer (1864)
  • Im April (c. 1865)
  • Mein Herz und deine Stimme (1868)
  • Volkslied (1882)
Choral works
  • Weltliche Chorwerke (1843–1893)
  • An dem Feste (1843)
  • Das Lied vom deutschen Vaterland (c. 1845)
  • Ständchen (c. 1846)
  • Der Lehrerstand (c. 1847)
  • Sternschnuppen (c. 1848)
  • Das edle Herz (c. 1851)
  • Die Geburt (1852)
  • Vor Arneths Grab (1854)
  • Laßt Jubeltöne laut erklingen (1854)
  • Des Dankes Wort sei mir vergönnt (at the latest 1855)
  • Das edle Herz (1857)
  • Am Grabe (1861)
  • Du bist wie eine Blume (1861)
  • Der Abendhimmel (1862)
  • Herbstlied (1864)
  • Um Mitternacht (1864)
  • Trauungschor (1865)
  • Der Abendhimmel (1866)
  • Vaterlandslied (1866)
  • Vaterländisch Weinlied (1866)
  • Mitternacht (1869)
  • Nachruf (1877)
  • Das hohe Lied (1876–1879)
  • Abendzauber (1878)
  • Zur Vermählungsfeier (1878)
  • Sängerbund (1882)
  • Volkslied (1882)
  • Trösterin Musik (1886)
  • Um Mitternacht (1886)
  • Träumen und Wachen (1890)
  • Der deutsche Gesang (1892)
  • Tafellied (1893)
  • Piano works (1850–1868)
  • Chamber music (1862–1879)
  • String Quartet (1862)
  • Rondo in C minor (1862)
  • Abendklänge (1866)
  • String Quintet (1879)
  • Intermezzo in D minor (1879)
Related articles
  • Classical Music