
[來源請求]视星等 (V)13.9[1]特征类型S?[1]角直徑 (V)1′.5 x 1′.2[1]其他名称IC 1127,[1] IC 4553,[1]
UGC 9913,[1] PGC 55497[1]參見:星系星系列表

阿普220Arp 220)是兩個星系相互碰撞後合併中的天體,距離地球約2.5億光年,位於巨蛇座。名稱來自它是赫頓·阿普編的《特殊星系圖集》中的第220個天體。




天文學家使用詹姆斯·克拉克·馬克士威望遠鏡英语James Clerk Maxwell Telescope搭載的亚毫米波通用测辐射计阵列英语Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array進行次毫米波段巡天觀測,結果意外發現跟阿普220一樣的亮紅外星系相當多[6]。天文學家對阿普220和其他相對距離地球較近的極亮紅外星系都進行了大量研究。


阿普220內至少有兩個明亮的邁射源,其中一個是 OH 分子,另一個則是水分子邁射[8]



  1. ^ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database. Results for Arp 220. [2006-12-07]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-25). 
  2. ^ IRAS exposes a remarkable infrared galaxy , Physics Today, 37, part no 8, 18-20 (1984)
  3. ^ Hubble Eyes Star Birth in the Extreme. [2006-10-16]. (原始内容存档于2006-07-19). 
  4. ^ Arp 220: Chandra Observes Titanic Merger. [2014-02-10]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-22). 
  5. ^ K. Iwasawa, D. B. Sanders, A. S. Evans, N. Trentham, G. Miniutti and H. W. W. Spoon. Fe K emission in the ultraluminous infrared galaxy Arp 220. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Wiley-Blackwell). 2005, 357 (2): 565–571 [2014-02-10]. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2005.08644.x. (原始内容存档于2019-07-13). 
  6. ^ Geach, E. L. Chapin, K. E. K. Coppin, J. S. Dunlop, M. Halpern, Ian Smail, P. van der Werf, S. Serjeant, D. Farrah, I. Roseboom, T. Targett, V. Arumugam, V. Asboth, A. Blain, A. Chrysostomou, C. Clarke2, R. J. Ivison, S. L. Jones, A. Karim, T. Mackenzie, R. Meijerink, M. J. Michałowski, Douglas Scott, J. M. Simpson, A. M. Swinbank, D. M. Alexander, O. Almaini1, I. Aretxaga, P. Best, S. Chapman, D. L. Clements, C. Conselice, A. L. R. Danielson, S. Eales, A. C. Edge, A. G. Gibb, D. Hughes, T. Jenness, K. K. Knudsen, C. G. Lacey, G. Marsden, R. McMahon, S. J. Oliver, M. J. Page, J. A. Peacock, D. Rigopoulou, E. I. Robson, M. Spaans, J. Stevens, T. M. A. Webb, C. Willott, C. D. Wilson and M. Zemcov. The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: blank-field number counts of 450-μm-selected galaxies and their contribution to the cosmic infrared background. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Wiley-Blackwell). 2013, 432 (1): 53–61 [2014-02-10]. doi:10.1093/mnras/stt352. (原始内容存档于2019-07-13). 
  7. ^ Arecibo telescope finds critical ingredients for the soup of life in a galaxy far, far away. Cornell Chronicle (Cornell University). 2008-01-14 [2008-04-01]. (原始内容存档于2008-05-12). 
  8. ^ SIMBAD Astronomical Database. Results for Arp 220. [2006-12-07]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-01). 
  9. ^ Seven Supernovae Found in Single Galaxy—A First (新闻稿). Fabien Batejat from Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics Group, National Geographic Society. October 6, 2011 [October 10, 2011]. (原始内容存档于2014-04-21) (英语). we can confirm seven supernovae [in a single galaxy], thanks to a 17-year monitoring of the radio sources in Arp 220  外部链接存在于|publisher= (帮助)
  10. ^ Phát hiện chưa từng thấy về các siêu tân tinh (新闻稿). Phương Huyền, Science Daily. October 3, 2011 [October 10, 2011]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-22) (越南语). Với tất cả dữ liệu tìm thấy, chúng tôi có thể chắc chắn rằng 7 tín hiệu đó chính là các siêu tân tinh - những ngôi sao đã nổ tung trong 60 năm qua 
  11. ^ Astronomers Reveal Supernova Factory (新闻稿). Science Daily. Oct 2, 2011 [Oct 10, 2011]. (原始内容存档于2011-09-30) (英语). With all the data in place, we can now be certain that all seven of these sources are supernovae: stars that exploded in the last 60 years 


  • Hubble Sees Star Birth Gone Wild (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (SpaceDaily) Jun 16, 2006
  • WikiSky上关于阿普220的内容:DSS2, SDSS, GALEX, IRAS, 氢α, X射线, 天文照片, 天图, 文章和图片
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  • V382
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  • 135061
  • 135615
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  • 138085
  • 142245
  • 143436
  • 145936
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  • 157969
  • 168112
  • 168443
  • 168746 (Alasia)
  • 175541 (Kaveh)
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  • ADS 9544
  • AS 296
  • GX 17+2
  • IRAS 18418-0440
  • MWC 297
  • MWC 922
  • PG 1510+234
  • PG 1605+072
  • PSR B1534+11
  • PSR J1719−1438
  • Ross 508
  • Serpens FIRS 1
  • Serpens SVS 20
  • Serpens X-1
  • W40 IRS 1A South
  • 巨蛇座OB2
  • 巨蛇雲
  • L134
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  • 阿普72
  • 阿普220
  • 4C 11.50
  • CGCG 049-033
  • 霍格天體
  • IRAS 15107+0724
  • NRAO 530
  • PDS 456
  • PG 1553+113
  • PGC 54493
  • PKS 1546+027
  • GRB 970111
  • GRB 050813
  • GRB 060418
  • GRB 060526
  • SN 2004dk
  • CoRoT-9b
  • CoRoT-11b
  • CoRoT-22b
  • CoRoT-23b
  • CoRoT-27b
  • HD 168746 b (Onasilos)
  • HD 175541 b (Kavian)
  • 巨蛇座ω