
PDB直系同源搜索: PDBe RCSB


别名IL10;, CSIF, GVHDS, IL-10, IL10A, TGIF, interleukin 10
外部IDOMIM:124092 MGI:96537 HomoloGene:478 GeneCards:IL10
基因座1q32.1起始206,767,602 bp[2]
终止206,774,541 bp[2]
基因座1 E4|1 56.89 cM起始130,947,582 bp[3]
终止130,952,711 bp[3]
分子功能 血浆蛋白结合
interleukin-10 receptor binding
protein dimerization activity
細胞組分 細胞外區域
生物學過程 negative regulation of chronic inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus
positive regulation of MHC class II biosynthetic process
negative regulation of interferon-gamma production
regulation of sensory perception of pain
positive regulation of B cell apoptotic process
negative regulation of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 production
response to inactivity
negative regulation of cytokine activity
negative regulation of interleukin-1 production
cellular response to hepatocyte growth factor stimulus
cellular response to estradiol stimulus
negative regulation of interleukin-6 production
positive regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity
negative regulation of apoptotic process
negative regulation of cytokine production involved in immune response
response to glucocorticoid
cytoplasmic sequestering of NF-kappaB
negative regulation of interleukin-18 production
negative regulation of MHC class II biosynthetic process
response to activity
response to organic substance
response to carbon monoxide
leukocyte chemotaxis
type 2 immune response
negative regulation of myeloid dendritic cell activation
response to insulin
negative regulation of interleukin-8 production
response to lipopolysaccharide
B cell proliferation
negative regulation of T cell proliferation
negative regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process
branching involved in labyrinthine layer morphogenesis
defense response to bacterium
regulation of complement-dependent cytotoxicity
B cell differentiation
regulation of isotype switching
negative regulation of membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis
inflammatory response
cellular response to lipopolysaccharide
negative regulation of B cell proliferation
negative regulation of inflammatory response
negative regulation of cytokine production
positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
negative regulation of interleukin-12 production
defense response to protozoan
negative regulation of sensory perception of pain
positive regulation of macrophage activation
liver regeneration
regulation of synapse organization
positive regulation of endothelial cell proliferation
negative regulation of cell population proliferation
negative regulation of heterotypic cell-cell adhesion
positive regulation of heterotypic cell-cell adhesion
positive regulation of cell cycle
negative regulation of mitotic cell cycle
endothelial cell apoptotic process
regulation of response to wounding
negative regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell proliferation
positive regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell proliferation
interleukin-12-mediated signaling pathway
positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
negative regulation of autophagy
cytokine-mediated signaling pathway
positive regulation of receptor signaling pathway via JAK-STAT
positive regulation of pri-miRNA transcription by RNA polymerase II
negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide-induced neuron death
positive regulation of sprouting angiogenesis
Sources:Amigo / QuickGO















基因位置​(UCSC)Chr 1: 206.77 – 206.77 MbChr 1: 130.95 – 130.95 Mb

白细胞介素-10(亦稱為介白素-10,英文:Interleukin 10,簡稱IL-10),也称为细胞激素合成抑制因子(cytokine synthesis inhibitory factor,CSIF),是一种抗炎症细胞因子。在人类中,IL-10由「IL10」基因编码。[6]IL-10的訊號需要藉由細胞膜上的介白素-10受體(IL-10受體)傳遞到細胞內。IL-10受體在作用時構型為含四個次單元的蛋白質複合體,其中包含兩個IL-10受體1(IL-10R1)單元以及兩個IL-10受體2(IL-10R2)單元。在接收到IL-10訊號時,IL-10R1會先直接與IL-10結合,之後呼叫(recruit)IL-10R2形成完整複合體,以進行後續的訊號傳遞,IL-10R2並不直接與IL-10結合。[7]IL-10通过JAK1和Tyk2分别磷酸化IL-10受体1、IL-10受体2的胞质尾端,来诱导STAT3信号传递。






















除这些数据外,目前正在进行一项I期免疫科学临床试验,以评估PEG化重组人IL-10(PEG-rHuIL-10,AM0010)的治疗能力。[55]与临床前免疫免疫学数据一致,研究者报告了实质性的抗肿瘤功效。相反于所报告的在体外和体内产生的IL-10的免疫抑制作用,[22][23][24][56][57]治疗癌症患者的PEG-重组人白介-10引发的剂量滴定感应的免疫刺激细胞因子IFNγ,IL-18,IL-7,GM-CSF和IL-4的表达。此外,接受治疗的患者的外周CD8+T细胞表达活化标记,例如程序性死亡配體1(PD-L1)+,淋巴细胞活化基因3(LAG3)+和Fas配体(FasL)升高,血清TGFβ降低,其折叠倍数增加。这些发现与使用PEG-rMuIL-10的已发表的临床前免疫科学报告[34][35]以及以前用rHuIL-10治疗人类的发现一致。[53][54]这些数据表明,尽管IL-10可以在细菌产物刺激的髓样细胞中发挥免疫抑制作用,但对人的rHuIL-10/PEG-rHuIL-10治疗主要是免疫刺激。截至2018年 (2018-Missing required parameter 1=month!)[update]AM0010(又名pegilodecakin)正在进行3期临床试验。[58]





  1. ^ 與白细胞介素-10相關的疾病;在維基數據上查看/編輯參考. 
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  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 GRCm38: Ensembl release 89: ENSMUSG00000016529 - Ensembl, May 2017
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  5. ^ Mouse PubMed Reference:. National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine. 
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  58. ^ Early Data Supports Phase 3 Trial of Pegilodecakin as Possible Treatment for Advanced Pancreatic Cancer. [2020-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-02). 
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  • CCL1
  • CCL2英语CCL2/MCP-1
  • CCL3英语CCL3/MIP-1α
  • CCL4英语CCL4/MIP-1β
  • CCL6英语CCL6
  • CCL7英语CCL7
  • CCL8英语CCL8
  • CCL9
  • CCL11英语CCL11
  • CCL12
  • CCL13英语CCL13
  • CCL14英语CCL14
  • CCL15英语CCL15
  • CCL16英语CCL16
  • CCL17英语CCL17
  • CCL18英语CCL18
  • CCL19英语CCL19
  • CCL20英语CCL20
  • CCL21英语CCL21
  • CCL22英语CCL22
  • CCL23英语CCL23
  • CCL24英语CCL24
  • CCL25英语CCL25
  • CCL26英语CCL26
  • CCL27英语CCL27
  • CCL28英语CCL28
  • CXCL1/KC
  • CXCL2英语CXCL2
  • CXCL3英语CXCL3
  • CXCL4/PF4
  • CXCL5英语CXCL5
  • CXCL6英语CXCL6
  • CXCL7/β-tg
  • CXCL8/IL8
  • CXCL9
  • CXCL10
  • CXCL11
  • CXCL12/SDF-1
  • CXCL13英语CXCL13
  • CXCL14英语CXCL14
  • CXCL15英语CXCL15
  • CXCL16英语CXCL16
  • CXCL17英语CXCL17
  • CX3CL1英语CX3CL1
  • XCL1英语XCL1
  • XCL2英语XCL2
英语Tumor necrosis factor superfamily

  • 肿瘤坏死因子
  • 淋巴毒素
    • TNFB/LTA英语Lymphotoxin alpha
    • TNFC/LTB英语Lymphotoxin beta
  • TNFSF4英语OX40L
  • TNFSF5/CD40LG英语CD154
  • TNFSF6英语Fas ligand
  • TNFSF7英语CD70
  • TNFSF8英语CD153
  • TNFSF9英语4-1BB ligand
  • TNFSF11
  • TNFSF13英语APRIL (protein)
  • TNFSF13B英语B-cell activating factor
  • EDA
  • IL2/IL15
  • IL4/IL13
  • IL7
  • IL9
  • IL21
IL-6家族/CD130英语Glycoprotein 130
  • IL6
  • IL11英语Interleukin 11
  • IL27
  • IL30英语Interleukin 30
  • IL31英语Interleukin 31
    • +不属于白介素的 OSM
    • LIF
    • CNTF英语Ciliary neurotrophic factor
    • CT-1英语Cardiotrophin 1
IL-12家族/IL12RB1英语Interleukin 12 receptor, beta 1 subunit
  • IL12英语Interleukin 12
  • IL23英语Interleukin 23
  • IL27英语Interleukin-27
  • IL35英语Interleukin 35
  • IL14英语Interleukin 14
  • IL16英语Interleukin 16
  • IL32英语Interleukin 32
  • IL34英语Interleukin 34
  • IL10/IL22英语Interleukin 22
  • IL19英语Interleukin 19
  • IL20英语Interleukin 20
  • IL24英语Interleukin 24
  • IL26英语Interleukin 26
  • III型干扰素
    • IL28英语Interleukin 28
    • IL29英语Interleukin 29
  • Interferon, alpha 1英语Interferon, alpha 1
  • IFNA2英语IFNA2
  • IFNA4英语IFNA4
  • IFNA5英语IFNA5
  • IFNA6英语IFNA6
  • IFNA7英语IFNA7
  • IFNA8英语IFNA8
  • IFNA10英语IFNA10
  • IFNA13英语IFNA13
  • IFNA14英语IFNA14
  • IFNA16英语IFNA16
  • IFNA17英语IFNA17
  • IFNA21英语IFNA21
  • IFNB1英语IFNB1
  • IFNW1英语IFNW1
免疫球蛋白超家族英语Immunoglobulin superfamily
  • IL-1家族IL1A英语IL1A
  • IL1B英语IL1B
  • Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist英语Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist
  • IL1F5英语IL1F5
  • IL1F6英语IL1F6
  • IL1F7英语IL1F7
  • IL1F8英语IL1F8
  • IL1F9英语IL1F9
  • IL1F10英语IL1F10
  • Interleukin 33英语Interleukin 33
  • Interleukin 18英语Interleukin 18
IL-17家族英语IL-17 family
  • IL17A英语IL17A
  • IL17B烏克蘭語IL17B
  • IL17C烏克蘭語IL17C
  • IL17D烏克蘭語IL17D
  • IL17E/IL-25英语Interleukin 25
  • IL17F烏克蘭語IL17F
  • 骨桥蛋白
  • 巨噬细胞迁移抑制因子英语Macrophage migration inhibitory factor
  • 单核因子
  • 淋巴因子
    • Th1
      • 干扰素-γ
      • 淋巴毒素-α英语Lymphotoxin alpha
    • Th2
      • IL4
      • interleukin 5英语interleukin 5
      • interleukin 6英语interleukin 6
      • 白细胞介素-10
      • interleukin 13英语interleukin 13
  • 胞外
    • 神經肽
    • 生长因子
    • 细胞因子
    • 激素
  • 細胞表面受體英语Template:Cell surface receptors
    • 配体门控离子通道
    • 酶联受體
    • G蛋白偶聯受體
    • 免疫球蛋白超家族英语Template:Immunoglobulin superfamily immune receptors
    • 整合素
    • 神經肽受體
    • 生長因子受體
    • 细胞因子受體
  • 胞內
    • 受體蛋白英语Template:Signal transducing adaptor proteins
    • GTP-binding英语Template:GTP-binding protein regulators
    • MAP激酶
  • 鈣信號
  • 脂質系號
  • 路徑
    • hedgehog
    • Wnt
    • TGF-β
    • MAPK ERK英语Template:MAPK ERK signaling pathway
    • notch英语Template:Notch signaling pathway
    • JAK-STAT
    • 細胞凋亡
    • hippo英语Template:Hippo signaling pathway
    • TLR