
Pyrrhopyge sergius
Clasificare științifică
Regn: Animalia
Încrengătură: Arthropoda
Subîncrengătură: Hexapoda
Clasă: Insecta
Ordin: Lepidoptera
Suprafamilie: Hesperioidea
Familie: Hesperiidae
Subfamilie: Pyrginae
Trib: Pyrrhopygini
Gen: Pyrrhopyge
Hübner 1819
  • Tamyris Swainson, 1821
  • Pachyrhopala Wallengren, 1858
  • Thamyris Burmeister, 1878; (emend.)
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Pyrrhopyge este un gen de fluturi din familia Hesperiidae.


  • Pyrrhopyge amyclas
  • Pyrrhopyge amythaon
  • Pyrrhopyge arax
  • Pyrrhopyge arinas
  • Pyrrhopyge aziza
  • Pyrrhopyge boulleti
  • Pyrrhopyge charybdis
  • Pyrrhopyge creona
  • Pyrrhopyge cressoni
  • Pyrrhopyge creusae
  • Pyrrhopyge crida
  • Pyrrhopyge crista
  • Pyrrhopyge decipiens
  • Pyrrhopyge frona
  • Pyrrhopyge hadassa
  • Pyrrhopyge haemon
  • Pyrrhopyge infantilis
  • Pyrrhopyge kelita
  • Pyrrhopyge martena
  • Pyrrhopyge melanomerus
  • Pyrrhopyge mopsus
  • Pyrrhopyge papius
  • Pyrrhopyge pelota
  • Pyrrhopyge phidias
  • Pyrrhopyge phylleia
  • Pyrrhopyge placeta
  • Pyrrhopyge proculus
  • Pyrrhopyge punctata
  • Pyrrhopyge pusca
  • Pyrrhopyge sadia
  • Pyrrhopyge sarpedon
  • Pyrrhopyge schausi
  • Pyrrhopyge sergius
  • Pyrrhopyge tatei
  • Pyrrhopyge telassa
  • Pyrrhopyge telassina
  • Pyrrhopyge terra
  • Pyrrhopyge thericles


  • Natural History Museum Lepidoptera genus database


  • Bell, E.L., 1932: Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) of the Roraima and Duida expeditions, with descriptions of new species. American Museum novitates 555: 1-16. Full article: [1].
  • Bell, E.L., 1947: New species and subspecies of neotropical Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera). American Museum novitates 1330: 1-9. Full article: [2].
  • Freeman, H.A., 1969: Records, new species, and a new genus of Hesperiidae from Mexico (Supplement 2). The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 23 (suppl. 2): 1-64. Full article: [3] Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine..
  • Lamas, G., 2004: Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera; Checklist: Part 4A; Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea.

Legături externe

  • Date legate de Pyrrhopyge la Wikispecies

Materiale media legate de Pyrrhopyge la Wikimedia Commons

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