
Fondator(i)Milun Tesovic
Angajați15+ (2002)
Companie părinteCBS Interactive
Prezență online
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MetroLyrics este un site web dedicat versurilor, fondat în 2002.

Baza de date a MetroLyrics conține peste 1 milion de cântece interpretate de peste 16.000 de artiști. Este a 9-a bază de date după mărime care oferă rezultate pe Google.[1]

MetroLyrics are acorduri de parteneriat cu AOL Music, NME, MTV și[2][3]

MetroLyrics a fost cumpărat de CBS Radio în octombrie 2011.[4]


  1. ^ „SEMRush Rank – list of top domains (for database)”. SEMRush. . Accesat în . 
  2. ^ „Schooling the Competition”. Fox Business Network. News Corporation. . Accesat în .  [nefuncțională]
  3. ^ Carlson, Daryl-Lynn (). „Don't skip the parties: they're more like work”. The Vancouver Sun. Accesat în .  [nefuncțională]
  4. ^ „CBS Interactive Music Group broadens distribution of its core assets to's Global Audience of more than 25 million users”. Arhivat din original la . Accesat în . 

Legături externe

  • Site web oficial
  • MetroLyrics pe Facebook
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CBS Corporation
Directori corporativi
  • David R. Andelman
  • Joseph A. Califano, Jr.
  • William S. Cohen
  • Charles K. Gifford
  • Leonard Goldberg
  • Bruce S. Gordon
  • Arnold Kopelson
  • Leslie Moonves
  • Doug Morris
  • Shari Redstone
  • Sumner Redstone
Stații radio
  • CBS Radio (list of stations)
Difuzori TV
  • CBS
    • CBS News
    • CBS Sports
  • The CW (co-owned with Warner Bros.)
Television facilities
  • CBS Broadcast Center
  • CBS Studio Center
  • CBS Television City
  • Ed Sullivan Theater
CBS Television Studios
CBS Studios, Inc.
  • Big Ticket Entertainment
  • CBS Studios International
  • CBS Television Distribution
Broadcast stations
Cable channels
  • Showtime Networks
  • CBS Sports Network
  • TVGN (50% with Lionsgate)
CBS Chellozone channels
  • CBS Action
  • CBS Drama
  • CBS Europa
  • CBS Reality
  • Horror Channel
CBS Interactive
Simon & Schuster
Miscellaneous assets
  • CBS Consumer Products
  • CBS Records
  • CBS Outdoor
  • Westinghouse Electric
  • CBS Home Entertainment
  • CBS Films
Defunct properties
  • CBS Cable
  • CBS Paramount Domestic Television
  • CBS Paramount Network Television
  • CBS Productions
  • Free FM
  • King World Productions
  • Spelling Television
  • UPN
  • Worldvision Enterprises
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Site-uri web conexe
  • Buzz Out Loud
  • MobLogic
Staff actual
  • Dan Ackerman
  • Bridget Carey
  • Brian Cooley
  • Jeff Gerstmann
  • Jim Lanzone
  • Declan McCullagh
  • Andrew Nusca
  • Daniel Terdiman
  • Sharon Vaknin
  • Molly Wood
Staff, fost
  • Matthew Barzun
  • Veronica Belmont
  • Esther Dyson
  • Ina Fried
  • Richard Hart
  • James Kim
  • Tom Merritt
  • Halsey Minor
  • Natali Morris
  • Rafe Needleman
  • Ryan Seacrest
Contribuitori actuali
  • Violet Blue
  • Christopher Dawson
  • David Gewirtz
  • Jason Perlow
Foști contribuitori
  • Harry McCracken