Tongren (Huangnan)

Tongren (rosa) i Huangnan (gult)

Tongren eller Rebkong (kinesisk: 同仁县; pinyin: Tóngrén Xiàn; tibetansk: Rebkong) er et fylke i det autonome prefektur Huangnan i provinsen Qinghai i Folkerepublikken Kina.

Befolkningen var på 73 896 innbyggere i 1999.[1]

Regionen er kjent for sin kunstneriske produksjon, særlig for thangka, en tibetansk malerkunst.

Administrative enheter

  • Storkommuner: Rongwo (Longwu 隆务镇); Bao'an (Bao'an 保安镇);
  • Kommuner: Loinqê (བློན་ཆེ་ / Lancai 兰采乡); Xopongxi (ཞོ་འཕོངས་གཤིས་ / Shuangpengxi 双朋西乡); Zainmo (Zhamao 扎毛乡); Hornag (ཧོར་ནག་ / Huangnaigai 黄乃亥乡); Qukog (ཆུ་ཁོག་ / Qukuhu 曲库乎乡); Nyaintog (གཉན་ཐོག་ / Nianduhu 年都乎乡); Dowa (མདོ་བ་ / Duowa 多哇乡); Garzê (མགར་རྩེ་ / Guashize 瓜什则乡); Gyaiwo (རྒྱ་བོ་ / Jiawu 加吾乡); Nyalung (ཉ་ལུང་ / Yalang 牙浪乡).


  1. ^ National Population Statistics Materials by County and City – 1999 Period, i China County & City Population 1999, Harvard China Historical GIS


  • Andreas Gruschke: The Cultural Monuments of Tibet’s Outer Provinces: Amdo – Volume 1. The Qinghai Part of Amdo, White Lotus Press, Bangkok 2001.
  • Tsering Shakya: The Dragon in the Land of Snows. A History of Modern Tibet Since 1947, London 1999, ISBN 0-14-019615-3
  • T. Yangdon Dhondup: "Reb kong: Religion, History and Identity of a Sino-Tibetan borderland town"

Eksterne lenker

  • Hjemmesider Arkivert 24. april 2010 hos Wayback Machine.
  • Landsbyen Wuntun (
  • Thangka tibétain (Museum d'histoire naturelle de Lyon)
  • Thangka Art History
  • Sacred Buddhist Painting – The Tibetan Thangka
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