
Thrips tabaci (links) & Frankliniella fusca (rechts)
Taxonomische indeling
Rijk:Animalia (Dieren)
Stam:Arthropoda (Geleedpotigen)
Klasse:Insecta (Insecten)
Onderklasse:Pterygota (Gevleugelde insecten)
Orde:Thysanoptera (Tripsen)
Stevens, 1829
Baliothrips dispar
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Thripinae zijn een onderfamilie uit de tripsenfamilie Thripidae.[1]


  • Abacothrips
  • Acremonothrips
  • Adelphithrips
  • Afrothripella
  • Agalmothrips
  • Agerothrips
  • Agriothrips
  • Ajothrips
  • Akheta
  • Alathrips
  • Aliceathrips
  • Amalothrips
  • Ameranathrips
  • Amomothrips
  • Amorphothrips
  • Amphithrips
  • Amphorothrips
  • Anaphothrips
  • Anaphrygmothrips
  • Anarrhinothrips
  • Anascirtothrips
  • Aneristothrips
  • Aneurothrips
  • Apsilothrips
  • Apterothrips
  • Aptinothrips
  • Arenathrips
  • Aroidothrips
  • Arorathrips
  • Arpediothrips
  • Asphodelothrips
  • Aurantothrips
  • Ayyaria
  • Bacathrips
  • Baileyothrips
  • Baliothrips
  • Balticothrips
  • Bathrips
  • Belothrips
  • Bhattiana
  • Biltothrips
  • Blascothrips
  • Bolacothrips
  • Bournierothrips
  • Bradinothrips
  • Bravothrips
  • Bregmatothrips
  • Brooksithrips
  • Calothrips
  • Capitothrips
  • Caprithrips
  • Catinathrips
  • Ceratothripoides
  • Ceratothrips
  • Cercyothrips
  • Cestrothrips
  • Chaetanaphothrips
  • Chaetisothrips
  • Charassothrips
  • Chilothrips
  • Chirothrips
  • Clypeothrips
  • Collembolothrips
  • Coremothrips
  • Corynothrips
  • Craspedothrips
  • Cricothrips
  • Ctenidothrips
  • Ctenothrips
  • Cyrilthrips
  • Danothrips
  • Decorothrips
  • Dendrothripoides
  • Dentothrips
  • Desertathrips
  • Deuterobrachythrips
  • Diarthrothrips
  • Dichromothrips
  • Dictyothrips
  • Dikrothrips
  • Dodonaeathrips
  • Doonthrips
  • Drepanothrips
  • Dyseringothrips
  • Echinothrips
  • Enneothrips
  • Eochirothrips
  • Ephedrothrips
  • Ereikithrips
  • Eremiothrips
  • Ernothrips
  • Eryngyothrips
  • Euphysothrips
  • Exothrips
  • Filipinothrips
  • Firmothrips
  • Flavidothrips
  • Florithrips
  • Foliothrips
  • Frankliniella
  • Fulmekiola
  • Furcathrips
  • Furcithrips
  • Gabanithrips
  • Glaucothrips
  • Gnomonothrips
  • Gonzalezya
  • Graminothrips
  • Helenothrips
  • Hemianaphothrips
  • Hengduanothrips
  • Himalthrips
  • Hyalopterothrips
  • Idolimothrips
  • Incertothrips
  • Indusiothrips
  • Iridothrips
  • Isunidothrips
  • Jakthrips
  • Javathrips
  • Kakothrips
  • Karphothrips
  • Kenyattathrips
  • Konothrips
  • Kranzithrips
  • Krokeothrips
  • Kurtomathrips
  • Laplothrips
  • Larothrips
  • Lefroyothrips
  • Lewisothrips
  • Limothrips
  • Lipsanothrips
  • Lomatothrips
  • Longothrips
  • Macrurothrips
  • Masamithrips
  • Mecothrips
  • Megalurothrips
  • Metaxyothrips
  • Microcephalothrips
  • Monothrips
  • Moundinothrips
  • Muscithrips
  • Mycterothrips
  • Neocorynothrips
  • Neurisothrips
  • Nexothrips
  • Nigritothrips
  • Octothrips
  • Odontanaphothrips
  • Odontothripiella
  • Odontothrips
  • Oelschlaegera
  • Okajimaella
  • Organothrips
  • Oxyrrhinothrips
  • Oxythrips
  • Ozanaphothrips
  • Paithrips
  • Palmiothrips
  • Pandorathrips
  • Parabaliothrips
  • Paraleucothrips
  • Parascirtothrips
  • Parascolothrips
  • Parexothrips
  • Pelikanothrips
  • Pezothrips
  • Physemothrips
  • Platythrips
  • Plesiothrips
  • Plutonothrips
  • Priesneriola
  • Prionotothrips
  • Procerothrips
  • Projectothrips
  • Proscirtothrips
  • Prosopoanaphothrips
  • Prosopothrips
  • Protanaphothrips
  • Psectrothrips
  • Pseudanaphothrips
  • Pseudothrips
  • Pseudoxythrips
  • Psilothrips
  • Psydrothrips
  • Pteridothrips
  • Ranjana
  • Retanathrips
  • Rhabdothrips
  • Rhamphiskothrips
  • Rhamphothrips
  • Rhaphidothrips
  • Rhinothripiella
  • Rhinothrips
  • Rubiothrips
  • Salpingothrips
  • Saxonothrips
  • Sciothrips
  • Scirtidothrips
  • Scirtothrips
  • Scolothrips
  • Sericopsothrips
  • Siamothrips
  • Simulothrips
  • Sitothrips
  • Smeringothrips
  • Smilothrips
  • Sminyothrips
  • Solanithrips
  • Sorghothrips
  • Sphaeropothrips
  • Stannardia
  • Stenchaetothrips
  • Stenothrips
  • Striathrips
  • Synaptothrips
  • Systenothrips
  • Taeniothrips
  • Takethrips
  • Tamaricothrips
  • Tameothrips
  • Telothrips
  • Tenothrips
  • Tethysthrips
  • Theilopedothrips
  • Thermothripoides
  • Thermothrips
  • Thrips
  • Tmetothrips
  • Toxonothrips
  • Trachynotothrips
  • Trichromothrips
  • Tusothrips
  • Unilobus
  • Vulgatothrips
  • Watanabeothrips
  • Wegenerithrips
  • Xerothrips
  • Yaobinthrips
  • Yaothrips
  • Yoshinothrips
  • Zurstrassenia
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Thrips of the World Checklist