Ypthima baldus

Ypthima baldus
Pengelasan saintifik
Y. baldus
Nama binomial
Ypthima baldus
(Fabricius, 1775)
  • Papilio baldus Fabricius, 1775
  • Ypthima argus Butler, 1866
  • Ypthima prattii Elwes & Edwards, 1893
  • Ypthima baldus ishigakina Fruhstorfer, 1908
  • Ypthima gallienus Fruhstorfer, 1911
  • Ypthima scota Fruhstorfer, 1911
  • Ypthima morus Fruhstorfer, 1911
  • Ypthima satpura Evans, 1924
  • Ypthima madrasa Evans, 1924
  • Zephyrus narensis Sugitani, 1932
  • Ypthima baldus kangeana Kalis, 1933
  • Ypthima newboldi Distant, 1882
  • Ypthima marshalli Butler, 1882
  • Ypthima evanescens Butler, 1881
  • Ypthima argus var. jezoensis Matsumura, 1919
Cincin Lima Biasa - (Ypthima baldus) pada musim hujan di Kolkata, Bengal Barat, India.

Ypthima baldus, atau Cincin Lima Biasa - Common Five Ring, adalah kupu-kupu yang termasuk dalam kelompok keluarga Nymphalidae dan sub-keluarga Satyrinae.


  • Ypthima baldus baldus (India ke Indo China, Burma, Thailand, selatan Yunnan)
  • Ypthima baldus hyampeia Fruhstorfer, 1911 (selatan Ussuri, Korea)
  • Ypthima baldus jezoensis Matsumura, 1919 (Kuriles)
  • Ypthima baldus luoi Huang, 1999 (Yunnan)
  • Ypthima baldus marshalli Butler, 1882
  • Ypthima baldus moerus Fruhstorfer, 1911
  • Ypthima baldus newboldi Distant, 1882 (Semenanjung Malaysia, Langkawi, Singapore)
  • Ypthima baldus okurai Okano, 1962 (Taiwan)
  • Ypthima baldus pasitelides Fruhstorfer, 1911 (Bawean)
  • Ypthima baldus selinuntius Fruhstorfer, 1911 (Borneo, Pulau Natuna)
  • Ypthima baldus zodina Fruhstorfer, 1911 (Taiwan)



  • in wet season at Talakona forest, in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh, India.
    in wet season at Talakona forest, in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh, India.
  • in dry season at Samsing in Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India.
    in dry season at Samsing in Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India.
  • in dry season at Samsing in Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India.
    in dry season at Samsing in Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India.
  • in dry season at Samsing in Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India.
    in dry season at Samsing in Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India.
  • in dry season at Samsing in Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India.
    in dry season at Samsing in Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India.
  • in dry season at Jayanti in Buxa Tiger Reserve in Jalpaiguri district of West Bengal, India.
    in dry season at Jayanti in Buxa Tiger Reserve in Jalpaiguri district of West Bengal, India.
  • in dry season at Jayanti in Buxa Tiger Reserve in Jalpaiguri district of West Bengal, India.
    in dry season at Jayanti in Buxa Tiger Reserve in Jalpaiguri district of West Bengal, India.
  • in dry season on Mikania micrantha (Chinese creeper) at Narendrapur near Kolkata, India.
    in dry season on Mikania micrantha (Chinese creeper) at Narendrapur near Kolkata, India.
  • in dry season on Mikania micrantha (Chinese creeper) at Narendrapur near Kolkata, India.
    in dry season on Mikania micrantha (Chinese creeper) at Narendrapur near Kolkata, India.
  • in dry season at Narendrapur near Kolkata, India.
    in dry season at Narendrapur near Kolkata, India.
  • in dry season at Narendrapur near Kolkata, India.
    in dry season at Narendrapur near Kolkata, India.
  • in dry season at Narendrapur near Kolkata, India.
    in dry season at Narendrapur near Kolkata, India.
  • in dry season at Narendrapur near Kolkata, India.
    in dry season at Narendrapur near Kolkata, India.
  • in wet season at Narendrapur near Kolkata, India.
    in wet season at Narendrapur near Kolkata, India.
  • Mating in wet season at Botanical Gardens, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
    Mating in wet season at Botanical Gardens, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
  • Mating in wet season at Botanical Gardens, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
    Mating in wet season at Botanical Gardens, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
  • in dry season at Narendrapur near Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
    in dry season at Narendrapur near Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
  • in dry season at Narendrapur near Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
    in dry season at Narendrapur near Kolkata, West Bengal, India.


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