
非表象理論(ひひょうしょうりろん、Non-representational theory)とは、英語圏の人文地理学において発展した理論である。言語や図像といった「表象を超えて」[1]、情動や身体的実践から人間の社会的行為を分析する点が特徴である[2]。しばしば、NRTと略称される。

ナイジェル・スリフト(英語版)ウォーリック大学[3][4]によって提唱され、J.D.デューズベリー(ブリストル大学)、デレク・マコーマック(オックスフォード大学)、Paul Harrison(ダラム大学)、John Wylie(エクセター大学)、そしてそれぞれの研究者の指導学生たちによって展開されてきた。









  1. ^ Thrift, Nigel; 1996; Spatial Formations; Sage
  2. ^ McCormack, D.P., 2017. The circumstances of post‐phenomenological life worlds. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42(1), pp.2-13.
  3. ^ Thrift, N. 2000. "Non-representational theory" in RJ Johnston, D Gregory, G Pratt and M Watts (eds) The Dictionary of Human Geography (Blackwell, Oxford)
  4. ^ Thrift, N. 2007. Non-representational theory: Space, Politics, Affect (Routledge, London)
  5. ^ McCormack, Derek (2005). “Diagramming Practice and Performance”. Society and Planning. http://www.envplan.com/abstract.cgi?id=d51j 1 January 2015閲覧。. 
  6. ^ Derek, McCormack; 2003; 'Geographies for Moving Bodies: Thinking, Dancing, Spaces'; (Sage)
  7. ^ Morton, Frances; 2005; 'Performing ethnography: Irish traditional music sessions and new methodological spaces' (Taylor and Frances)
  8. ^ Wylie, John; 2005' A single day's walking: narrating self and landscape on the South West Coast Path' (Transactions of the British Geographers)
  9. ^ Crouch, David; 2003; 'Performances and constitutions of natures: a consideration of the performance of lay geographies'
  10. ^ Saldanha; 2005; 'Trance and visibility at dawn: racial dynamics in Goa's rave scene' 2005
  11. ^ Anderson; 2004; 'A Principle of Hope: Recorded Music, Listening Practices and the Immanence of Utopia'
  12. ^ Harker; 'Playing and affective time-spaces'
  13. ^ Bohr, Niels (1963). The Philosophical Writings of Niels Bohr, Vol II, Essays 1932 – 1957, On Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge. Woodbridge, Conn.: Ox Bow Press. pp. 101. ISBN 0918024528 
  14. ^ Barad, Karen (2007). Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. ISBN 9780822339175 
  15. ^ Barad. “Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter”. MENU University of Chicago Press Journals. University of Chicago Press. 25 March 2020閲覧。
  16. ^ a b Smith, Richard G., 2003; "Baudrillard's nonrepresentational theory: burn the signs and journey without maps" in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 21; pp 67–84
  17. ^ Whatmore, S. 2002.
  18. ^ Anoop Nayak, Alex Jeffrey, 2011; "Geographical Thought: An Introduction to Ideas in Human Geography", Routledge, p.287
  19. ^ Lorimer, H., 2005; "Cultural geography: the busyness of being 'more-than-representational'", Progress in Human Geography 29, 1 (2005) pp. 83–94