ニューカッスル大学 (オーストラリア)

The University of Newcastle (UoN)
モットー I look ahead
種別 公立
設立年 1965年
総長 Trevor Waring
副総長 Nicholas Saunders
学部生 17,073人
大学院生 5,754人
所在地 オーストラリア
南緯32度52分54秒 東経151度41分4秒 / 南緯32.88167度 東経151.68444度 / -32.88167; 151.68444座標: 南緯32度52分54秒 東経151度41分4秒 / 南緯32.88167度 東経151.68444度 / -32.88167; 151.68444
公式サイト 公式サイト

ニューカッスル大学(ニューカッスルだいがく、英語: The University of Newcastle、略称:UoN )は、オーストラリアニューサウスウェールズ州ニューカッスルの郊外、キャラハンに位置する公立の大学であり、郊外型大学では、国内最大の規模を持つ。


Faculty of Business and Law

The Faculty of Business and Law contains the following schools:

  • School of Law
  • School of Business and Management
  • Newcastle Graduate School of Business
  • School of Economics, Politics & Tourism

Faculty of Education and Arts

The Faculty of Education and Arts contains the following schools:

  • Wollotuka School of Aboriginal Studies
  • School of Drama, Fine Art & Music (incorporating the Conservatorium)
  • School of Education
  • School of Humanities and Social Science

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment

The Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment contains the following schools:

  • School of Architecture and the Built Environment
  • School of Engineering
  • School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Faculty of Science and Information Technology

The Faculty of Science and Information Technology contains the following schools:

  • School of Applied Sciences
  • School of Psychology
  • School of Design, Communication and IT
  • School of Environmental and Life Sciences
  • School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Faculty of Health

The Faculty of Health is the most comprehensive of its kind in Australia and one of the most comprehensive in the world. It contains the following schools:

  • School of Biomedical Sciences
  • School of Health Sciences
  • School of Medicine and Public Health (the home of the University's world renowned Bachelor of Medicine program, one of the leaders in Australian medical education)
  • School of Nursing and Midwifery



  • University of Newcastle(英語版)
  • The Newcastle University Students' Association (NUSA)(英語版) 
  • The Newcastle University Postgraduate Student Association (NUPSA)(英語版)
  • The University of Newcastle Union Limited (UNU Ltd) (英語版)
  • - The University of Newcastle Medical Society (UNMS) (英語版)
  • 50th Anniversary of University Education in Newcastle 1951-2001(英語版)
  • Opus - University of Newcastle student magazine (英語版)
  • University of Newcastle Central Coast Campuses(英語版)
  • Innovative Research Universities Australia (IRUA)(英語版)
典拠管理データベース ウィキデータを編集
  • ISNI
  • VIAF
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  • ドイツ
  • イスラエル
  • アメリカ
  • IdRef