Stephen Longstreet

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Pour les articles homonymes, voir Longstreet.

Stephen Longstreet
Données clés
Nom de naissance Chauncey Weiner
New York, États-Unis
Nationalité Drapeau des États-Unis Américaine
Décès (à 94 ans)
Century City, Los Angeles, États-Unis
Profession Scénariste, écrivain


Stephen Longstreet, né le à New York et mort le à Century City, quartier de Los Angeles, est un scénariste et un écrivain américain.


Né Chauncey Weiner, il adopte le pseudonyme de Stephen Longstreet pour amorcer une carrière d'écrivain et de scénariste à Hollywood. Sous ce nom et sous les pseudonymes de Paul Haggard, Thomas Burton, David Ormsbee et Henri Weiner, il a également publié des nouvelles, des romans, des ouvrages historiques et des études sur le jazz et sur les tableaux de grands maîtres de la peinture.




Signés Stephen Longstreet

  • Decade, 1929-1939 (1940)
  • The Golden Touch (1941)
  • Two Beds for Roxane (1942)
  • The Gay Sisters (1943)
  • The Land I Lived (1943)
  • Nine Lives with Grandfather (1944)
  • Stallion Road (1945)
  • The Sisters Liked Them Handsome (1946)
  • Three Days (1947)
  • The Crystal Girl (1948)
  • The Beach House (1952)
  • The Lion at Morning (1954)
    Publié en français sous le titre Le Lion au matin, Paris, Del Duca, 1958
  • The Promoters (1957)
  • The Burning Man (1958)
  • Man of Montmartre: a novel based on the life of Maurice Utrillo (1958), en collaboration avec Ethel Longstreet
  • The Politician (1959)
  • The Crime (1959)
  • Artists' Quarter (1960)
  • Geisha (1960)
  • Wild Harvest (1960)
  • Gettysburg (1961)
  • Living High (1962)
    Publié en français sous le titre Le Grand Plongeon, Paris, Gallimard, Série noire no 813, 1963
  • The Flesh Peddlers (1962)
  • The Nylon Island (1964)
  • The Golden Runaways (1964)
  • Remember William Kite? (1966)
  • Masts to Spear the Stars (1967)
  • The Young Men of Paris (1967)
  • Senator Silverthorn (1968)
  • She Walks in Beauty (1970), roman d'enfance et de jeunesse
  • The General (1974)
  • Stribling (1974)
  • The Divorce (1974)
  • The Kingston Fortune (1975)
  • God and Sarah Pedlock (1976)
  • The Bank (1976)
  • Strike the Bell Boldly (1977)
  • The Kingston Fortune (1977)
  • Straw Boss (1978)
  • Ambassador (1978)
  • The Dream Seekers (1979)
  • Storm Watch (1979)
  • The Pembroke Colours (1981)
  • Wheel of Fortune (1981)
  • All or Nothing (1983)
  • Delilah's Fortune (1985)
  • Our Father's House (1985)
  • Sons and Daughters (1987)
  • Children of Fortune (1988)

Série The Pedlocks

  • The Pedlocks, a family (1951)
  • Pedlock & Sons (1966)
  • Pedlock Saint, Pedlock Sinner (1969)
  • The Pedlock Inheritance (1972)
  • Pedlock at Law (1976)
  • The Pedlocks in Love (1978)
  • The Pedlocks (1981)

Trilogie de romans historiques

  • A Few Painted Feathers (1963)
  • War in the Golden Weather (1965)
  • Eagles Where I Walk (1966)

Signés Paul Haggard

  • Dead Is the Door-Nail (1937)
  • The Nudist Case Murder (1937)
  • Murder Most Foul (1937)
  • Death Talks Shop (1938)
  • Death Walks on Cat Feet (1938)
  • Poison from a Wealthy Widow (1938)

Signés Thomas Burton

  • And So Dedicated: an American novel (1940)
  • Bloodbird (1941)

Signés David Ormsbee

  • Sound of an American (1942)
  • Chico goes to the Wars: a chronicle 1933-1943 (1943)

Signés Henri Weiner

  • Crime on the Cuff (1936)
  • The Case of the Severed Skull (1939)


Signée Paul Haggard

  • She Sent a Tiger (1940)


  • High Button Shoes: a period comedy on two acts (1949)

Ouvrages historiques

  • War Cries on Horseback: The Story of Indian Wars of the Great Plains (1940)
  • A Century on Wheels. The Story of Studebaker: a history, 1952-1952 (1952)
  • The Real Jazz, old and New (1956)
    Publié en français sous le titre Encyclopédie du jazz, Paris, Somogy, 1958
  • The Boy in the Model-T: a journey in the just gone past (1956)
  • Sportin' House: a history of the New Orleans sinners and the birth of jazz (1965)
  • The Wilder Shore: a gala history of San Francisco (1969)
  • The Canvas Falcons: the story of the men and the planes of World War I (1970)
  • Yoshiwara: city of the senses ou Yoshiwara: the Pleasure quarters of old Tokyo (1970), en collaboration avec Ethel Longstreet
  • We All Went to Paris: Americans in the City of Light, 1776-1971 (1972)
  • Chicago, an intimate portrait of people, pleasures and power: 1860-1919 (1973)
  • City on Two Rivers: profile of New York yesterday and today (1975)
  • All Star Cast: an anecdotal history of Los Angeles (1977)
  • Win or Lose: a social history of gambling in America (1977)
  • The Queen Bees: the women who shaped America (1979)
  • Storyville to Harlem: fifty years in the jazz scene (1986)
  • Jazz from A to Z (1989)
  • Magic Trumpets: the story of jazz for young people (1989)
  • Jazz Solos: Poems and Images (1991)
  • Lower Than Angels: a memoir of War and Peace (1993)

Autres publications

  • Last Man Around the World (1941)
  • The Last Man Comes Home: american travel journals, 1941-1942 (1942)
  • Never Look Back: the autobiography of a jockey (1958)
  • A Treasury of the World's Great Prints (1961)
  • The Drawings of Raphael (1962)
  • The Drawings of Poussin (1963)
  • The Drawings of Rembrandt (1963)
  • The Drawings of Vincent Van Gogh (1963)
  • The Figure in Art (1963)
  • The Drawings of Dürer (1964)
  • The Drawings of Peter Paul Rubens (1964)
  • The Drawings of Ingres (1964)
  • The Drawings of Cézanne (1964)
  • The Drawings of Degas (1964)
  • The Drawings of Daumier (1964)
  • The Drawings of Menzel (1964)
  • The Drawings of Dali (1964)
  • The Portrait in Art (1965)
  • The Drawings of Renoir (1965)
  • The Drawings of Rodin (1965)
  • The Drawings of Gauguin (1965)
  • The Animal in Art (1966)
  • The Child in Art (1966)
  • The Tree in Art (1966)
  • The House in Art (1966)
  • The Horse in Art (1966)
  • The Drawings of Toulouse-Lautrec (1966)
  • The Drawings of Watteau (1966)
  • The Drawings of La Lyre (1966)
  • The Drawings of Tintoretto (1967)
  • The Drawings of Kaethe Kollwitz (1967)
  • The Drawings of Augustus John (1967)
  • Daumier's Human Comedy (1967)
  • A Salute to American Cooking (1968)
  • The Dance in Art (1968)
  • The Drawings of Goya on Prado Museum (1969)
  • The Drawings of Fuseli (1969)
  • The Drawings of Kokusai (1969)
  • The Drawings of Winslow Homer (1970)
  • The Drawings of Modigliani (1972)
  • The Drawings of Matisse (1973)
  • More Drawings of Delacroix (1973)
  • Self-Portraits of Great Artists (1973)
  • The Joy of Jewish Cooking (1974), en collaboration avec Ethel Longstreet
  • More Drawings of Rembrandt (1974)
  • The Drawings of Picasso (1974)
  • The Drawings of Jossi Stern (1974)
  • Life on the Fast Lane (1981)
  • Our Times in Line (1981)
  • The Computer Age (1983)
  • Slings and Arrows (1984)
  • The Drawings of Pontormo (1986)


Notes et références

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    • WorldCat
  • « Stephen Longstreet » (présentation), sur l'Internet Movie Database
  • site officiel de Stephen Longstreet
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