Walter Crane

Walter Crane

Irudi gehiago
JaiotzaLiverpool, 1845eko abuztuaren 15a
Herrialdea Britainia Handia eta Irlandako Erresuma Batua
HeriotzaHorsham, 1915eko martxoaren 14a (69 urte)
Hobiratze lekuaGolders Greeneko Erraustegia
AitaThomas Crane
AmaMarie Kearsley
  • Thomas Crane (en) Itzuli
    Lucy Crane (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakmargolaria, ilustratzailea, marrazkilaria eta artista bisuala
Lan nabarmenak
  • Mrs. Walter Crane (en) Itzuli
    The Shepheard's Calender (en) Itzuli
Jasotako sariak
  • Albert Medal  (1904)

Musicbrainz: e872dd8f-93c2-4656-82e8-fc280292e844 Discogs: 2375656 Find a Grave: 8795569 Edit the value on Wikidata

Walter Crane (Liverpool, 1845eko abuztuaren 15a - Horsham, Mendebaldeko Sussex, 1915eko martxoaren 14a) ingeles ilustratzailea izan zen.

Prerrafaelismoaren jarraitzailea eta John Ruskinen ikaslea izan zen. Xilografia ere ikasi zuen, eta miretsi egin zituen prerrafaeliten lanak, italiar Pizkundeko maisuenak eta japoniar koloreko irudiak.

Irudiak diseinatu zituen Nazioarteko Mugimendu Sozialistarentzat eta zuntzak eta margotutako paperak langile klaseentzat.

Bere belaunaldiko haur-liburuen diseinatzaile emankorrena izan zen. Arts and Crafts mugimenduaren parte izan zen eta dekorazio-lan ugari sortu zituen.


  • The Lady of Shalott, 1862
    The Lady of Shalott, 1862
  • Ruth and Boaz, 1863
    Ruth and Boaz, 1863
  • La belle Dame Sans Merci, 1865
    La belle Dame Sans Merci, 1865
  • The Frog Asks To Be Allowed To Enter The Castle - Illustration For The Frog Prince, 1874
    The Frog Asks To Be Allowed To Enter The Castle - Illustration For The Frog Prince, 1874
  • Diana and Endymion, 1883
    Diana and Endymion, 1883
  • The flowers masquerade as people. Sir Narcissus Jonquil begins the fun, illustration from A Floral Fantasy In an Old English Garden, 1899
    The flowers masquerade as people. Sir Narcissus Jonquil begins the fun, illustration from A Floral Fantasy In an Old English Garden, 1899
  • King Midas with his daughter, from Nathaniel Hawthorne's 1893 edition of A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys
    King Midas with his daughter, from Nathaniel Hawthorne's 1893 edition of A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys
  • Illustration for The miller, his son and the donkey from Baby's Own Aesop, an 1887 children's edition of Aesop's fables
    Illustration for The miller, his son and the donkey from Baby's Own Aesop, an 1887 children's edition of Aesop's fables
  • Illustration for Little Bo Peep, 1885
    Illustration for Little Bo Peep, 1885
  • "Little Red Riding Hood Meets the Wolf in the Woods"
    "Little Red Riding Hood Meets the Wolf in the Woods"
  • "The children of Queen Blondine and sister Brunette picked up by a Corsair", from the fairy tale Princess Belle-Etoile, 1884
    "The children of Queen Blondine and sister Brunette picked up by a Corsair", from the fairy tale Princess Belle-Etoile, 1884
  • The Swan Maidens, 1894
    The Swan Maidens, 1894
  • Comic-like illustration for "Puss in Boots" from The Marquis of Carabas' Picture Book
    Comic-like illustration for "Puss in Boots" from The Marquis of Carabas' Picture Book
  • "A Garland for May Day 1895" woodcut
    "A Garland for May Day 1895" woodcut
  • Title page of Baby's Own Aesop, 1887
    Title page of Baby's Own Aesop, 1887
  • The Baby's Opera, a book of old rhymes and the music by the earliest masters book cover
    The Baby's Opera, a book of old rhymes and the music by the earliest masters book cover

Kanpo estekak

Autoritate kontrola
  • Wikimedia proiektuak
  • Wd Datuak: Q660917
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Walter Crane / Q660917

  • Wd Datuak: Q660917
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Walter Crane / Q660917