The Real McKenzies

The Real McKenzies
The Real McKenzies taldeko kideak 2012an.
JatorriaKanada Vancouver, Kanada
Musika motaceltic punk
Urteak1992-gaur egun
Diskoetxea(k)Fat Wreck Chords, Sudden Death, Honest Don's
Paul McKenzie
Gord Taylor
Kurt Robertson
Sean Sellers
Mark Boland
Lehengo taldekideak
Anthony "Tony Baloney" Walker
Rob "Lought" Esch
Brian O'Brian
Rich Priske "McFuzzybutt"
Glenn Ikeness
Jamie McFuzzybutt
Matt MacNasty
Karl Alvarez
Dave Gregg
Joe Raposo
Informazio gehigarria
IMDB: nm5026891 Facebook: therealmckenzies Twitter: Real_McKenzies MySpace: therealmckenzies Bandcamp: therealmckenzies Spotify: 1YczG6BNjM9XAnw64RqnXi Last fm: The+Real+McKenzies Musicbrainz: 01612542-01ec-4fc4-a9ad-b6a6e33f11d7 Songkick: 59257 Discogs: 253316 Allmusic: mn0000414002 Edit the value on Wikidata

The Real Mckenzies (euskaraz Benetako McKenzietarrak) Kanadako Vancouver hiriko celtic punk musika taldea da. 1992an sortu zen. Eskoziako folk musika herrikoia punk estiloarekin nahastu ohi dute.


  • Paul McKenzie: ahots nagusia
  • "Dirty" Kurt Robertson: gitarra elektrikoa, ahotsa
  • Gord Taylor: Eskoziar Lur Garaietako gaita
  • Jesse Pinner: bateria
  • Mark "Bone" Boland: gitarra, ahotsa
  • Gwomper: baxu elektrikoa


  • Real McKenzies, 1995
  • Clash of the Tartans, 1998
  • Fat Club 7", 2000
  • Loch'd and Loaded, 2001
  • Pissed Tae Th' Gills, 2002
  • Oot & Aboot, 2003
  • 10,000 Shots, 2005
  • Off the Leash, 2008
  • Shine Not Burn, 2010
  • Westwinds, 2012ko martxoaren 27a


  • Pissed Tae Th' Gills, 2002


  • Short Music for Short People, 1999
  • Alpha Motherfuckers - A Tribute To Turbonegro, 2001
  • Agropop Now, 2003
  • "Floyd:..And Out Come The Teeth" A free Fat Wreck Chords compilation CD handed out at the Fat tent on the 2001 Warped Tour
  • SHOT SPOTS-Trooper Tribute. On Visionary Records.
  • Live From Europe, Deconstruction Tour 2003. DVD


Kanpo estekak

  • The Real McKenzies musika taldearen webgunea (Ingelesez)
Autoritate kontrola
  • Wikimedia proiektuak
  • Wd Datuak: Q1570833
  • Commonscat Multimedia: The Real McKenzies / Q1570833

  • Identifikadoreak
  • WorldCat
  • VIAF: 136782215
  • ISNI: 0000000093172047
  • LCCN: no2013055162
  • NKC: pna2017959353
  • Wd Datuak: Q1570833
  • Commonscat Multimedia: The Real McKenzies / Q1570833