George MacDonald

George MacDonald

Irudi gehiago
JaiotzaHuntly, 1824ko abenduaren 10a
Herrialdea Britainia Handia eta Irlandako Erresuma Batua
HeriotzaAshtead, 1905eko irailaren 18a (80 urte)
  • Greville MacDonald (en) Itzuli
HeziketaAberdeengo Unibertsitatea
Jarduerakidazlea, artzaina, poeta, eleberrigilea, kazetaria, teologoa eta filosofoa
Lan nabarmenak
  • Lilith (en) Itzuli
    Phantastes (en) Itzuli
    David Elginbrod (en) Itzuli
    The Princess and the Goblin (en) Itzuli
    At the Back of the North Wind (en) Itzuli
    The Gray Wolf (en) Itzuli
Sinesmenak eta ideologia

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George MacDonald (Huntly, Aberdeenshire, 1824ko abenduaren 10a - Ashtead, Surrey, 1905eko irailaren 18a) eskoziar idazlea izan zen.

Eliza kongregazionaleko ministroa izan zen. Fantasiazko literaturan aitzindaria izan zen eta maitagarrien ipuinak idatzi zituen. Fantasia giza kondizioa esploratzeko bide literario gisa erabili zuen. Lewis Carrollen zaintzailea izan zen eta bere liburuak argitaratzera animatu zuen. John Ruskin, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow eta Walt Whitmanen laguna ere izan zen. C. S. Lewis eta J. R. R. Tolkienen eragin handia izan zuen.



  • Phantastes: A Fairie Romance for Men and Women (1858)
  • "Cross Purposes" (1862)
  • The Portent: A Story of the Inner Vision of the Highlanders, Commonly Called "The Second Sight" (1864)
  • Dealings with the Fairies (1867), "The Golden Key", "The Light Princess", "The Shadows" barne
  • At the Back of the North Wind (1871)
  • Works of Fancy and Imagination (1871), Within and Without, "Cross Purposes", "The Light Princess", "The Golden Key" barne
  • The Princess and the Goblin (1872)
  • The Wise Woman: A Parable (1875)
  • The Gifts of the Child Christ and Other Tales (1882)
  • The Day Boy and the Night Girl (1882)
  • The Princess and Curdie (1883)
  • Lilith: A Romance (1895)


  • David Elginbrod (1863)
  • Adela Cathcart (1864)
  • Alec Forbes of Howglen (1865)
  • Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood (1867)
  • Guild Court: A London Story (1868)
  • Robert Falconer (1868)
  • The Seaboard Parish (1869)
  • Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood (1871)
  • Wilfrid Cumbermede (1871)
  • The Vicar's Daughter (1871)
  • The History of Gutta Percha Willie, the Working Genius (1873)
  • Malcolm (1875)
  • St. George and St. Michael (1876)
  • Thomas Wingfold, Curate (1876)
  • The Marquis of Lossie (1877)
  • Sir Gibbie (1879)
  • Paul Faber, Surgeon (1879;)
  • Mary Marston (1881)
  • Warlock o' Glenwarlock (1881)
  • Weighed and Wanting (1882)
  • Donal Grant (1883)
  • What's Mine's Mine (1886)
  • Home Again: A Tale (1887)
  • The Elect Lady (1888)
  • A Rough Shaking (1891)
  • There and Back (1891)
  • The Flight of the Shadow (1891)
  • Heather and Snow (1893)
  • Salted with Fire (1896)
  • Far Above Rubies (1898)


  • Twelve of the Spiritual Songs of Novalis (1851)
  • Within and Without: A Dramatic Poem (1855)
  • Poems (1857)
  • "A Hidden Life" and Other Poems (1864)
  • Dramatic and Miscellaneous Poems (1876)
  • Diary of an Old Soul (1880)
  • A Book of Strife, in the Form of the Diary of an Old Soul (1880)
  • The Threefold Cord: Poems by Three Friends (1883)
  • Poems (1887)
  • The Poetical Works of George MacDonald, 2 Volumes (1893)
  • Scotch Songs and Ballads (1893)
  • Rampolli: Growths from a Long-planted Root (1897)


  • Unspoken Sermons (1867)
  • England's Antiphon (1868, 1874)
  • The Miracles of Our Lord (1870)
  • Cheerful Words from the Writing of George MacDonald (1880), compiled by E. E. Brown
  • Orts: Chiefly Papers on the Imagination, and on Shakespeare (1882)
  • "Preface" (1884) to Letters from Hell (1866) by Valdemar Adolph Thisted
  • The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke: A Study With the Text of the Folio of 1623 (1885)
  • Unspoken Sermons, Second Series (1885)
  • Unspoken Sermons, Third Series (1889)
  • A Cabinet of Gems, Cut and Polished by Sir Philip Sidney; Now, for the More Radiance, Presented Without Their Setting by George MacDonald (1891)
  • The Hope of the Gospel (1892)
  • A Dish of Orts (1893)
  • Beautiful Thoughts from George MacDonald (1894), compiled by Elizabeth Dougall

Kanpo estekak

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  • Wikimedia proiektuak
  • Wd Datuak: Q368519
  • Commonscat Multimedia: George MacDonald / Q368519

  • Wd Datuak: Q368519
  • Commonscat Multimedia: George MacDonald / Q368519