Total ring of fractions

Algebraic structure → Ring theory
Ring theory
Basic concepts
• Subrings
• Ideal
• Quotient ring
• Fractional ideal
• Total ring of fractions
• Product of rings
• Free product of associative algebras
Tensor product of algebras

Ring homomorphisms

• Kernel
Inner automorphism
• Frobenius endomorphism

Algebraic structures

• Module
• Associative algebra
• Graded ring
• Involutive ring
• Category of rings
• Initial ring Z {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} }
• Terminal ring 0 = Z / 1 Z {\displaystyle 0=\mathbb {Z} /1\mathbb {Z} }

Related structures

• Field
• Finite field
• Non-associative ring
Lie ring
Jordan ring
Commutative rings
Integral domain
Integrally closed domain
GCD domain
Unique factorization domain
Principal ideal domain
Euclidean domain
• Field
Finite field
Polynomial ring
Formal power series ring

Algebraic number theory

Algebraic number field
• Integers modulo n
Ring of integers
p-adic integers Z p {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} _{p}}
p-adic numbers Q p {\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} _{p}}
• Prüfer p-ring Z ( p ) {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} (p^{\infty })}
  • v
  • t
  • e

In abstract algebra, the total quotient ring[1] or total ring of fractions[2] is a construction that generalizes the notion of the field of fractions of an integral domain to commutative rings R that may have zero divisors. The construction embeds R in a larger ring, giving every non-zero-divisor of R an inverse in the larger ring. If the homomorphism from R to the new ring is to be injective, no further elements can be given an inverse.


Let R {\displaystyle R} be a commutative ring and let S {\displaystyle S} be the set of elements that are not zero divisors in R {\displaystyle R} ; then S {\displaystyle S} is a multiplicatively closed set. Hence we may localize the ring R {\displaystyle R} at the set S {\displaystyle S} to obtain the total quotient ring S 1 R = Q ( R ) {\displaystyle S^{-1}R=Q(R)} .

If R {\displaystyle R} is a domain, then S = R { 0 } {\displaystyle S=R-\{0\}} and the total quotient ring is the same as the field of fractions. This justifies the notation Q ( R ) {\displaystyle Q(R)} , which is sometimes used for the field of fractions as well, since there is no ambiguity in the case of a domain.

Since S {\displaystyle S} in the construction contains no zero divisors, the natural map R Q ( R ) {\displaystyle R\to Q(R)} is injective, so the total quotient ring is an extension of R {\displaystyle R} .


  • For a product ring A × B, the total quotient ring Q(A × B) is the product of total quotient rings Q(A) × Q(B). In particular, if A and B are integral domains, it is the product of quotient fields.
  • In an Artinian ring, all elements are units or zero divisors. Hence the set of non-zero-divisors is the group of units of the ring, R × {\displaystyle R^{\times }} , and so Q ( R ) = ( R × ) 1 R {\displaystyle Q(R)=(R^{\times })^{-1}R} . But since all these elements already have inverses, Q ( R ) = R {\displaystyle Q(R)=R} .
  • In a commutative von Neumann regular ring R, the same thing happens. Suppose a in R is not a zero divisor. Then in a von Neumann regular ring a = axa for some x in R, giving the equation a(xa − 1) = 0. Since a is not a zero divisor, xa = 1, showing a is a unit. Here again, Q ( R ) = R {\displaystyle Q(R)=R} .

The total ring of fractions of a reduced ring

Proposition — Let A be a reduced ring that has only finitely many minimal prime ideals, p 1 , , p r {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {p}}_{1},\dots ,{\mathfrak {p}}_{r}} (e.g., a Noetherian reduced ring). Then

Q ( A ) i = 1 r Q ( A / p i ) . {\displaystyle Q(A)\simeq \prod _{i=1}^{r}Q(A/{\mathfrak {p}}_{i}).}

Geometrically, Spec ( Q ( A ) ) {\displaystyle \operatorname {Spec} (Q(A))} is the Artinian scheme consisting (as a finite set) of the generic points of the irreducible components of Spec ( A ) {\displaystyle \operatorname {Spec} (A)} .

Proof: Every element of Q(A) is either a unit or a zero divisor. Thus, any proper ideal I of Q(A) is contained in the set of zero divisors of Q(A); that set equals the union of the minimal prime ideals p i Q ( A ) {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {p}}_{i}Q(A)} since Q(A) is reduced. By prime avoidance, I must be contained in some p i Q ( A ) {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {p}}_{i}Q(A)} . Hence, the ideals p i Q ( A ) {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {p}}_{i}Q(A)} are maximal ideals of Q(A). Also, their intersection is zero. Thus, by the Chinese remainder theorem applied to Q(A),

Q ( A ) i Q ( A ) / p i Q ( A ) {\displaystyle Q(A)\simeq \prod _{i}Q(A)/{\mathfrak {p}}_{i}Q(A)} .

Let S be the multiplicatively closed set of non-zero-divisors of A. By exactness of localization,

Q ( A ) / p i Q ( A ) = A [ S 1 ] / p i A [ S 1 ] = ( A / p i ) [ S 1 ] {\displaystyle Q(A)/{\mathfrak {p}}_{i}Q(A)=A[S^{-1}]/{\mathfrak {p}}_{i}A[S^{-1}]=(A/{\mathfrak {p}}_{i})[S^{-1}]} ,

which is already a field and so must be Q ( A / p i ) {\displaystyle Q(A/{\mathfrak {p}}_{i})} . {\displaystyle \square }


If R {\displaystyle R} is a commutative ring and S {\displaystyle S} is any multiplicatively closed set in R {\displaystyle R} , the localization S 1 R {\displaystyle S^{-1}R} can still be constructed, but the ring homomorphism from R {\displaystyle R} to S 1 R {\displaystyle S^{-1}R} might fail to be injective. For example, if 0 S {\displaystyle 0\in S} , then S 1 R {\displaystyle S^{-1}R} is the trivial ring.


  1. ^ Matsumura 1980, p. 12.
  2. ^ Matsumura 1989, p. 21.


  • Matsumura, Hideyuki (1980), Commutative algebra (2nd ed.), Benjamin/Cummings, ISBN 978-0-8053-7026-3, OCLC 988482880
  • Matsumura, Hideyuki (1989), Commutative ring theory, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-36764-6, OCLC 23133540