Tamil loanwords in other languages

List of loanwords

There are many Tamil loanwords in other languages. The Tamil language, primarily spoken in southern India and Sri Lanka, has produced loanwords in many different languages, including Ancient Greek, Biblical Hebrew, English, Malay, native languages of Indonesia, Mauritian Creole, Tagalog, Russian, and Sinhala and Dhivehi.

In Ancient Greek

Tamil loanwords in Ancient Greek came about due to the interactions of Mediterranean and South Indian merchants. Tamil loanwords entered the Greek language throughout different periods in history. Most words had to do with items of trade that were unique to South India. Although there is general consensus that there are Tamil loanwords in Ancient Greek, few of the words have competing etymologies as well.[1]

In Biblical Hebrew

The importance of Tamil loanwords in Biblical Hebrew is that linguistically these words are the earliest attestation of the Tamil language. These words were incorporated into the writing of the Hebrew Bible starting before 500 BCE. Although a number of authors have identified many Biblical and post-Biblical words of Tamil, Old Tamil, or Dravidian origin, a number of them have competing etymologies and some Tamil derivations are considered controversial.[2]

In English

English word Tamil word Transliteration Meaning in English
Aiyo! ஐயோ Aiyyo! Oh no! / Oh dear![3]
Anicut அணைக்கட்டு Anaikattu Anicut/Dam
Curry கறி kaṟi relish for rice
Catamaran கட்டுமரம் kattumaram a type of boat[4]
Cheroot சுருட்டு suruṭṭu roll[5]
Corundum குருந்தம்/குருவிந்தம் kuruntham/kuruvintham ruby[6]
Mango மாங்காய் Maangaai Mango
Moringa முருங்கை Murungai Murungagaai
Mulligatawny மிளகுத்தண்ணி miḷaku-taṇṇīr/milaguthanni pepper water[7]
Patchouli பச்சை இலை pachchai ilai green leaf[8]
Pandal பந்தல் pandhal temporary shelter[9]
Pariah பறையர் Paraiyar Outcast
Ginger இஞ்சி வேர் Inji ver Ginger Root

In Malay (including Malaysian and Indonesian)

Interaction between Tamil speakers and Malay speakers has been established from ancient time. Tamil influence has been around such as Palava usage as ancient script in Indonesia (Palava dynasty was existed on 275 CE–897 CE) and Chola invasion of Srivijaya in 1025.

Tamil mainly entered the lexicon of Classical Malay (and by extension, its modern Malaysian and Indonesian standard variants) with the immigration of South Indian traders and labourers who settled around the Strait of Malacca. Henceforth, loanwords from Tamil, while also an Indian language (though not Indo-European like Sanskrit), mainly exist in the fields of commerce and cuisine, the latter like Chinese and unlike Sanskrit. See also Wiktionary:Appendix:Malay words of Tamil origin.

Malay word Malay meaning Tamil Word Tamil Transliteration Tamil Meaning Note
acaram 1. ring,
2. earnest money
அச்சகாரம் accāram earnest money
acu mould, model அச்சு accu mould
andai if, suppose அண்டை aṇṭai near, support
apam kind of cake, hoppers அப்பம் appam appam, rice cake, bread pastry
badai storm வாடை vāṭai wind, north wind
bagai sort of வகை vakai kind, sort
baji wedge வசி vaci cleft, point, edge
basi 1. commission, fee
2. overtime or extra pay
3. reduction (in price), discount
வாசி vāci 1. difference
2. rate, as of interest; portion
3. discount, in changing money
batil copper bowl, plate, tray வட்டில் vaṭṭil a brass tray, a platter; basket
bedil gun, rifle வெடி veṭi explosion, as of gun via Javanese bedhil
bendi okra/lady's finger வெண்டி vendi okra
bicu lever வீச்சு vīccu blow, stroke
biram 1. elephant,
2. double-headed snake,
3. red
வேழம் vēḻam elephant
canai grindstone சாணை cāṇai-k-kal grindstone
cemeti whip சம்மட்டி cammaṭṭi 1. (horse-)whip,
2. large hammer
cerpelai mongoose (Herpestes sp.) கீரிப்பிள்ளை kīri-p-piḷḷai common Indian mungoose, Indian ichneumon, Herpestes mungo
cerpu leather sandals (terompah-like) செருப்பு ceruppu leather sandals, slippers, shoes
cerutu, cerut, serutu cigar சுருட்டு curuṭṭu 1. curling, coiling;
2. cigar
ceti money lender செட்டி ceṭṭi mercantile caste, traders from Prakrit sēṭṭišrēṣṭhin
cukai excise tax, custom சுங்கம் cuṅkam duty on goods, customs, tolls from Prakrit šuṅkašulka
cuku dried gambier roots சுக்கு cukku dried ginger
cuma only, no others சும்மா cummā leisurely, without any occupation or work ?
gula sugar குளம் kuḷam sugar *?
gulai kind of curry குலை gulai *?
gundu marbles குண்டு kuṇṭu ball; anything globular and heavy
gurindam two lines rhyme கிரந்தம் kirantam 1. book, treatise
2. A verse or prose containing 32 syllables, šlōka
from grantha.
helai sheet இலை ilai leaf, petal
jodoh, joli mate, partner சோடி cōṭi couple, pair loanword from Hind. jōḍi.
joli royal sedan டோலி ṭōli a kind of sedan loanword from Hind. ḍōlā.
kambi wooden frames to strengthen the edges of doors கம்பி kampi wall plate
kapal boat கப்பல் kappal ship, sailing vessel
kari, kare curry கறி kaṟi curry Latter is Indonesian spelling
katai, katik small, short கடை kaṭṭai short, low, dwarfish
defect, deficiency
katelum bastion கொத்தளம் kottalam part of a rampart, bastion, defensive erection on the top of a rampart from Pāli koṭṭhaka
kati a measure of weight = 6¼ ons கட்டி kaṭṭi a measure of weight = 25 palams
katik 1. Paspalum scrobiculatum,
2. Treron curvirostra,
3. area measurement (of land or field)
கட்டை kaṭṭai mile
katil bed கட்டில் kaṭṭil 1. cot, bedstead, couch, sofa,
2. Throne
kawal guard, escourt காவல் kāval defence, protection, watchman, guard
kedai shop, foodstall கடை kaṭai bazaar, shop, market
kedelai Glycine max கடலை kaṭalai Cicer arietinum, Melastoma malabaricum Kanarese, Travancore usage kaḍale, Malayalam kaḍala
Malaysian and Singaporean Malay tends to use the Dutch loan soya instead.
keledai Equus asinus கழுதை kaḻutai Equus asinus
ketumbar Coriandrum sativum கொத்தமல்லி kottamalli Coriandrum sativum from Sanskrit कुस्तुम्बुरु (kustumburu)
kodi twenty units கோடி kōṭi 1. Crore, ten millions,
2. large number
kolam pool, pond, basin, tank குளம் kuḷam tank, pond, reservoir, lake
konde, kundai dressing of hair in large coil on the head கொண்டை koṇṭai tuft, dressing of hair in large coil on the head related to Telugu koṇḍe, Kanarese Travancore goṇḍe, Malayalam koṇṭa
korundum natural Aluminum oxide குருந்தம் kuruntam corundum, emery
kudai basket made of rattan கூடை kūṭai basket made of rattan, ola or bamboo
kuil temple (esp. Hindu ones) கோயில் kōyil 1. palace,
2. temple, sanctuary
kulai limp குலை kulai to untie, loosen, dishevel
kuli physical worker கூலி kūli 1. wages, pay;
2. fare, hire, freight
kundi clay craftsman kuṉṟi ?
ladam horseshoe லாடம் lāṭam horseshoe
lebai mosque employees லப்பை lappai Tamil-speaking Muhammadans
logam metal உலோகம் ulōkam metal from lōha metal
madali a musical instrument மத்தளம் mattaḷam a kind of drum
malai strands, garland மாலை mālai anything strung together
mahligai, maligai royal chamber in palace மாளிகை māḷikai top floor of a storied building ?
mangga mango மாங்காய் māṅkāy mango
manik beads maṇi
manikam diamond மாணிக்கம் māṇikkam gem, precious stone
mendikai, tembikai watermelon கொம்மட்டிக்காய் kommaṭṭikkāy watermelon, cucumber latter is metathesis of former
merikan, marikan clothes from America மரிக்கன் marikkaṉ from America
maru disturbing ghost மாற்று māṟṟu to change, alter
to conceal, hide
to shift; to transfer, as from a place
matu grade of gold மாற்று māṟṟu degree of fineness of gold or silver
mempelam mango மாம்பழம் mā-m-paḻam mango fruit
merunggai, remunggai Moringa oleifera முருங்கை muruṅkai Moringa pterygosperma latter is metathesis of former
metai bed மெத்தை mettai bed, cushion
meterai seal, stamp முத்திரை muttirai 1. impress, mark
2. seal, signet
3. stamp, as for postage, for court fees
misai mustache மீசை mīcai 1. upper part,
2. cf. šmašru. moustache
modal capital, stock முதல் mutal 1. beginning
2. principal, fund, capital, money yielding interest
3. stock, store
mundam large tub for royal bathing முந்தை muntai small vessel
mutu 1. quality, purity of gold
2. sad
3. In pinch (chess)
முட்டு muttu difficulty, as in passing,
hindrance, obstacle, impediment
nali volume unit =16 gantang =1/50 koyan நாழி nāḻi tubularity; tube,
a measure of capacity, =8 ollocks
related to nāḍi
nelayan fisherman நுளையன், கரையான், வலையன், வலைஞன் nuḷaiyaṉ, karaiyāṉ, valaiyaṉ, valaiñaṉ, fisher(man)
nila indigo நீல nila blue, black, common indigo, blue nelumbo
nilai value நிலை nilai standing
character, quality, temper, nature
nilakandi indigo (color, stone): blue vitriol நீலகண்டன் nīla-kaṇṭaṉ blue vitriol
nilam Pycnonotus aurigaster,
Pogostemon cablin
நீலம் nīlam blue, azure or purple colour
ondé-ondé 1. jian dui (Java)
2. klepon (Sumatra and Malay Peninsula)
உண்டை uṇṭai ball, globe, sphere; anything round or globular
panai wooden tray பானை pāṉai 1. large earthen pot or vessel
2. measure of capacity
3. oil measure = 4 cempu
pancalogam alloy பஞ்சலோகம் pañcalōkam 1. The five kinds of metal, poṉ, irumpu, cempu, īyam, veḷḷi;
2. Amalgam of the five metals
pandam resin (in the grip of keris) பண்டம் pantam 1. substance, material, utensils.
2. belly, body
from bhāṇḍa
pandu 1. guide
2. to drive
பந்து pantu relation, kinsman from bandhu.
patam, petam ornament, jewelry பட்டம் paṭṭam plate of gold worn on the forehead, as an ornament or badge of distinction
pawai 1. parade, procession
2. royal equipments
பவனி pavaṉi parade
pelbagai various 1. பல
2. வகை
1. pala
2. vakai
1. many
2. division, class, manner, way, nature, goods, places, detail
perisai shield பரிசை paricai 1. shield, buckler (come from phara)
2. large umbrella, as a badge of honour
perli satire, mockery புரளி puraḷi 1. lying, falsehood;
2. mischief, waggishness;
3. quarrel, wrangle, broil;
peta map படம் paṭaṁ map
peti chest, box பெட்டி peṭṭi chest, trunk, coffer, box
pitam headache, dizziness பித்தம்
lunacy, madness
puadai red carpet பாவாடை pāvāṭai red carpet
pualam marble பவளம் pavaḷam red coral
pudi small diamond பொடி poṭi small gem
putu kue putu புட்டு puṭṭu puttu
ragam variety, trait, character ராகம் (i)rākam desire, color, redness, music
roti bread ரொட்டி roṭṭi bread, wheaten cake
sambal sambal சம்பாரம் campāram spicy condiments, curry stuff 1. from Sanskrit सम्बार (sambāra) 'spices'.
2. related to sambar (சாம்பார் cāmpār)
satai, saté satay சதை catai flesh
sedelinggam red paint material சாதிலிங்கம் cātiliṅkam cermilion, red sulphurate of mercury
senam calisthenics சானம்
meditation (dhyāna)
people, crowd, herd
sengketa to dispute, to antagonize ஸங்கடம் saṅkaṭam trouble
talam tray without feet தாலம் tālam 1. eating- plate, porringer, usually of metal.
2. Salver
tampah tray தம்பா tampā tray see tatak
tambi 1. younger brother (Indian)
2. helper
தம்பி tampi younger brother (Indian)
tandil overseer தண்டல் taṇṭal tax-collector
tandu palanquin தண்டு taṇṭu pole of a palanquin or other vehicle
tembaga copper செம்பு cempu copper, gold, metal vessel
teman friend தமன் tamaṉ friend (male)
terusi, tursi blue vitriol துருசு turucu blue vitriol
tirai curtain திரை tirai curtain
tolan, taulan friend தோழன் tōlan friend (male)
topi hat தொப்பி toppi cap
tunai cash துணை tuṇai measure, extent, degree, quantity, number ?
undi vote, lots உண்டை uṇṭai ball, globe, sphere; anything round or globular
Wéda Vēdas வேதம் vētam Vēdas

In Mauritian Creole

Creole Tamil Meaning
Kali Kalli Name of a plant
Notchi Notchi Name of a plant
Mourouk (Muruku) Murungai Name of a tree
Vetivert Vettiver Name of a plant
Att Atta Name of a fruit
Goyave Koyyu Name of a fruit
Pipangaye Peerkanggaye Name of a vegetable
Mourroung Murungai (முருங்கை) Moringa
Patol Pudol Name of a vegetable
Avrayka Avaraykaye Name of a vegetable
Kotaranga Kottuvarangaye Name of a vegetable
Kotomili Kottumalli Name of a vegetable
Karoupillay Karuvepilay Name of a vegetable
Betel Vettrilaye Name of a vegetable
Pak Paku Name of a vegetable
Putu Pittu Name of a cake
Ounday Ourounday Name of a cake
Mourkou Mouroukkou Name of a snacks
Ayo! Ayyo! Exclamation

In Tagalog

Close contact through commercial networks between India and Maritime Southeast Asia for more than two millennia, bolstered by the establishment of Tamil as a literary language in India starting from the 9th century, allowed the spread of Dravidian loanwords in several local languages of Southeast Asia, including Old Malay and Tagalog. A list of Tagalog words with Tamil origins are shown below.[10]

Tagalog Tamil Meaning in Tamil Meaning in Tagalog
Bagay [10] வகை (Vagai) Kind, class, sort; goods; property; means of livelihood Thing; object; article
Baril [10] வெடில் (Veḍil) Explosion Gun; to shoot (with a gun)
Bilanggo [10] விலங்கு (Vilaṅgu) Fetters; shackles; manacles Captive; prisoner
Gulay [10] குழை (Kulai) To become soft, pulpy, as well-cooked Vegetable
Kalikam [10] காரிக்கம் (kārikkam) Unbleached plain cotton cloth Embroidered breeches from Brunei
Kawal [10] காவல் (Kāval) Watchman; guard Soldier; warrior
Kawali [10] குவளை (Kuvaḷai) Wide-mouthed vessel; cup Frying pan, skillet
Kiyapo [10] கயப்பு (Kayappū) Aquatic flower Pistia stratiotes
Mangga [10] மாங்காய் (Māngāi) Unripe mango fruit Mango (in general)
Malunggay [10] முருங்கை (Murungai) Moringa oleifera Moringa oleifera
Misay [10] மீசை (Mīcai) Moustache Moustache
Palisay [10] பரிசை (Paricai) Shield; buckler Shield used in warrior dances
Puto [10] புட்டு (Puttu) A kind of confectionery Rice cake

In Réunion Creole

Creole Tamil Meaning English word
rougail ஊறுகாய் Pickled fruits Pickles

In Russian

Russian Tamil Meaning English word
катамаран கட்டு மரம் tied logs Catamaran

In Sinhala

Sinhala words of Tamil origin came about as part of the more than 2,000 years of language interactions between Sinhala and Tamil in the island of Sri Lanka, as well as through Dravidian substratum effect on the Sinhala Language.

In Sinhala words

In the following list, Tamil words are romanised in accordance with Tamil spelling. This results in seeming discrepancies in voicing between Sinhala words and their Tamil counterparts. Sinhala borrowing, however, has taken place on the basis of the sound of the Tamil words; thus, the word ampalam, [ambalam], logically results in the Sinhala spelling ambalama, and so forth. However, the Tamil language used here for comparison is Tamil as spoken in Sri Lanka.

Sinhala transliteration Meaning Tamil transliteration Meaning Type
akkā Elder sister akkā Elder sister Kinship
ambalama Way-side rest ambalam Public place Daily
ämbäṭṭayā Barber ampaṭṭaṉ Barber Trade
āṃgāṇiya Stall (in a market) aṅgāṭi Market Trade
ānā Man ān Man Daily
āṇḍuva Government āṇṭāṉ Rich man with many servants Administration
appā Father (regional/colloquial) appā Father[11] Kinship
āppa Hoppers āppam Hoppers Food
araliya Oleander araḷi Oleander Botany
avariya Indigo plant avuri Indigo plant Botany
ayyā Elder brother aiyā (see also Ayya) Sir, father Kinship
Come Come Daily
caṇḍiyā Bandit, rowdy saṇdiyar Bandit Daily
cīttaya Chintz cīttai Chintz Trade
ediriya Opposition, hostility edhiri Opponent, enemy Military
galkaṇḍuva Sugar-candy kaṟkaṇdu Sugar-candy Food
iccāva Flattery iccakam Flattery Daily
iḍama Site, land idam Place, site Construction
īḷa Asthma īḷai Asthma Daily
ilakkaya Target ilakku Target Military
ilakkama Number ilakkam Number Trade
iḷandāriyā Young man iḷandāri Young man Daily
iḷavuva Death, funeral iḻavu Death Daily
iraṭṭa Double, even number iraṭṭai Double, even number Trade
īyam Lead īyam Lead Daily
jāḍiya Jar cāṭi Jar Daily
jōḍuva Pair jōdi/cōdi Pair Daily
hodi Gravy soti Daily
kaḍalē Chickpea kadalai (paruppu) Chickpea Food
kaḍasarakkuva Spice, curry stuffs kadai + sarakku Shop + Goods Trade
kaḍaya Shop kadai Shop Trade
kaḍinama Haste kathi speed Daily
kaḍiyāḷama Bridle kadivāḷam Bridle Military
kaṃkāṇiyā Overseer kaṅkāṇi Foreman Administration
kalanda A small measure of weight kaḻañcu Weight of 1.77 grams Trade
kalavama Mixture, blend kalavai Mixture Daily
kālaya Quarter kāl Quarter Trade
kaḷudäävā Donkey kaḻudai Donkey Daily
kambiya Wire kambi Wire Trade
kaṇisama Size kaṇisam Size, amount Daily
kaṇṇāḍiya Mirror, spectacles kaṇṇāadi Mirror, spectacles Daily
kappama Tribute kappam Tribute Military
kappara Small ship kappal Ship Trade
kappi Grit, bruised grain kappi Coarse grits in flour Daily
kappiya Pulley kappi Pulley
kāvala Protection
kayippu Catechu
kayitālama A small type if cymbal
kāppuva Bracelet kāappu Bangle Daily
kärapottā Cockroach karappaāṉ Cockroach (SL) Daily
karavaḷa Dried fish karuvāadu Dried fish Food
kāsiya Coin kāasu Small change, coin Trade
kasippu Illicit liquor kacippu Illicit liquor Trade
kaṭṭumarama Catamaran kaṭṭumaram Catamaran Trade
kayiyeliya Cloth with coloured border kaili Multicoloured cloth worn by Muslims Daily
keṇḍa Calf keṇdai(kkāl) Calf Daily
keṇḍiya Pitcher keṇṭi Pitcher Daily
kiṭṭu Close, near kiṭṭa Close, near Daily
koḍiya Flag kodi Flag Administration
kollaya Plunder, pillage koḷḷai Plunder Military
kombuva Name of the sign ෙ kombu (lakaram) Name of the sign ள Daily
kōn Part of a name kōṉ(ar) Name pertaining to members of the Iṭaiyar caste ("shepherd, king") Personal name
kōṇama A loin cloth for men kōvaṇam A loin cloth for men Daily
koṇḍaya Plait/bun of hair koṇdai Bun/plait of hair Daily
kottamalli Coriander koṭhamalli Coriander Botany
koṭṭaya Pillow koṭṭai Nut, round shape, pillow Daily
kōvila Hindu temple kōyil Temple Daily
kūḍama Shed, Resthouse Daily
kuḍaya Umbrella kudai Umbrella Daily
kūḍaya Basket koodai Basket Daily
kūḍuva Nest, cage koodu Nest, small box Daily
kulala/kuḷala Pipe kuḻal Tube, musical pipe Daily
kulappuva Confusion kuḻappu- to confuse Military
kūlama Pond kulam- Pond Agricultural Term
kurumbā Young coconut kurumbai Young coconut Food
kuliya Rent kooli Rent, pay Administration
kuṭṭama A Pair Daily
machan Term of endearment along males Daily
Malaya Hill country malai Hill Place name
māmā[citation needed]. Maternal uncle māmā Maternal uncle Kinship
marakkalaya Boat, Ethnic Moor, Sampan marakkalam (Sailing) Boat Fishing
massinā Brother-in-law machiṉaṉ Brother-in-law Kinship
mayil Fur, any hair other than on the head/face Daily
mella Gentle, tame, obedient Daily
mudala Money mudhal Capital Trade
mudalāli Merchant, owner of a shop mudhalāḷi Merchant Trade
mudali Part of a name mudhaliyār Name of a caste Personal name
muḍukkuva Narrow street, slum Daily
mulu whole, entire Daily
muranḍu Obstinate, wanting to fight Daily
muruṃgā "Drumsticks", the edible fruits of the Drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera) muruṅgai Horse-radish tree Food
mūḍiya lid Daily
mūṭṭi Earthen cooking pot Daily
mūṭṭuva bale/bagful Daily
nāḍagama Stage-play naādagam Drama, stage-play Culture
nōṃjal, nōṃcal feeble, unsteady Daily
naṃgī Younger sister naṅgai Young girl Kinship
nōnḍi, nonḍi lame Daily
nūla String/Thread Daily
oppuva Proof oppu Administration
ottē Odd number otṟai Odd number Trade
ottuva Espionage otṟu Espionage Administration
padakkama Medal padhakkam Medal Administration
pāḍama Lesson pāadam Lesson Culture
paḍiya Wage paṭi Extra pay Administration
pālama Bridge pāalam Bridge Construction
paḷiya Revenge paḻi Guilt, revenge Daily
palliya Church/Mosque palli Church/Mosque Daily
pandalama Bower, shady place pandhal Bower, shady place Daily
peruṃkāyam Asafoetida Asafoetida Daily
parippu Lentils paruppu Lentils Food
piṭṭu A rice dish piṭṭu A rice dish Food
poḍi Small, little podi Small Daily
poṭṭuva Bindi pottu Daily
poraya Fight pōr Fight Military
pūccama Boast, brag Daily
pullē Part of a name Pillai Part of a name (originally a Hindu title) Personal name
pūṇa nūla Sacred string/cord that Brahmins wear over their shoulder poo-nool Daily
saiva, sāiva Shivaite Daily
salli Money salli Coin Trade
saṇḍuva Fight saṇdai Fight Military
sekkuva Oil mill Daily
sembuva Small metal pot Daily
seṃkamālaya jaundice Daily
sereppuva Sandals seruppu Sandals Daily
sotti Crippled, deformed sothhai Emaciated person, defect Daily
suruṭṭuva Cigar suruṭṭu Cigar Daily
takkāli Tomato thakkaāḷi Tomato Food
talluva A push thaḷḷu- To push Daily
tambiyā Derogatory term for a Muslim man tambi Younger brother Daily
täpäl Postal tabaāl Postal, mail Administration
tarama Size, position, quantity tharam Quality, sort Trade
taṭṭa Bald thaṭṭai Baldness Daily
tāliya A necklace signifying marriage Daily
tāttā Father thāathaā Grandfather Kinship
tōḍuva A hollow cylindrical earring Daily
tunḍuva bit/scrap Daily
uḍäkkiya A narrow drum udukkai A narrow drum Daily
udavva Help udhavi Help Daily
ulukkuva Sprain (of a joint) suḷukku Sprain Daily
ūḷiyama Tax payable by foreigners ooḻiyam Service Administration
uraya Covering/Case Daily
urumaya Rights/heritage urimai Rights/heritage Administration
vaṭṭiya Type of shallow basket Daily
veri Drunk veṟi intention, madness Daily

In Sinhala verbs

Several verbs have been adopted into Sinhala from the Tamil language. The vast majority of these are compound verbs consisting of a Tamil origin primary verb and a Sinhala origin light verb.

Sinhala Sinhala transliteration Meaning Tamil transliteration Meaning
ඉරනවා iranavā To tear
කිට්ටු වෙනවා kiṭṭu venavā To get close, to near kitta varai
කොල්ල කරනවා kolla karanavā To plunder
නෝන්ඩි වෙනවා nōnḍi venavā To be humiliated/embarrassed
පරක්කු වෙනවා parakku venavā To be late/delayed
පත්තු කරනවා pattu karanavā To light, to set on fire patṟu- To catch fire
පේරු වැටෙනවා pēru väṭenavā To fall to someone by chance pēṟu Luck ll
පේරු වැටෙනවා poḍi venavā To be crushed/crumpled
පූට්ටු කරනවා pūṭṭu karanavā To splice, to fasten together
තල්ලු කරනවා tallu karanavā To push thaḷḷu- To push
තට්ටු කරනවා taṭṭu karanavā To knock thaṭṭu-
udav karanavā To help
වෙඩි කනවා veḍi kanavā To have been shot vedi Shot, dynamite
වෙඩි තියනවා veḍi tiyanavā To shoot, to fire vedi Shot, dynamite
වෙරි වෙනවා veri venavā To become drunk veri

See also


  1. ^ Zvelebil, Kamil. "Dravidian languages". Retrieved 5 January 2021.
  2. ^ Wald, Shalom; Kandel, Arielle. "India, Israel and the Jewish people". Retrieved 13 September 2021.
  3. ^ "Aiyo! The English language just usurped my all-purpose south Indian word and sucked the life out of it". Quartz (publication). 10 October 2016. Retrieved 14 October 2020.
  4. ^ "Catamaran; Define Catamaran at Dictionary.com". Dictionary.reference.com. Retrieved 14 September 2013.
  5. ^ "Cheroot; Define Cheroot at Dictionary.com". Dictionary.reference.com. Retrieved 14 September 2013.
  6. ^ "Corundum; Define Corundum at Dictionary.com". Dictionary.reference.com. Retrieved 14 September 2013.
  7. ^ "mulligatawny, n.". Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2003.
  8. ^ "patchouli". Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved 14 September 2013.
  9. ^ "Pandal; Define Pandal at Dictionary.com". Dictionary.reference.com. Retrieved 14 September 2013.
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Hoogervorst, Tom (15 April 2015). "Detecting pre-modern lexical influence from South India in Maritime Southeast Asia". Archipel. Études interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien (89): 63–93. doi:10.4000/archipel.490. ISSN 0044-8613.
  11. ^ "Dravidian Etymological Dictionary; Find definition of Appa in Dravidian Etymological Dictionary". dsal.uchicago.edu. 1984.