
Curves on which differential equations are zero

In mathematical analysis, nullclines, sometimes called zero-growth isoclines, are encountered in a system of ordinary differential equations

x 1 = f 1 ( x 1 , , x n ) {\displaystyle x_{1}'=f_{1}(x_{1},\ldots ,x_{n})}
x 2 = f 2 ( x 1 , , x n ) {\displaystyle x_{2}'=f_{2}(x_{1},\ldots ,x_{n})}
{\displaystyle \vdots }
x n = f n ( x 1 , , x n ) {\displaystyle x_{n}'=f_{n}(x_{1},\ldots ,x_{n})}

where x {\displaystyle x'} here represents a derivative of x {\displaystyle x} with respect to another parameter, such as time t {\displaystyle t} . The j {\displaystyle j} 'th nullcline is the geometric shape for which x j = 0 {\displaystyle x_{j}'=0} . The equilibrium points of the system are located where all of the nullclines intersect. In a two-dimensional linear system, the nullclines can be represented by two lines on a two-dimensional plot; in a general two-dimensional system they are arbitrary curves.


The definition, though with the name ’directivity curve’, was used in a 1967 article by Endre Simonyi.[1] This article also defined 'directivity vector' as w = s i g n ( P ) i + s i g n ( Q ) j {\displaystyle \mathbf {w} =\mathrm {sign} (P)\mathbf {i} +\mathrm {sign} (Q)\mathbf {j} } , where P and Q are the dx/dt and dy/dt differential equations, and i and j are the x and y direction unit vectors.

Simonyi developed a new stability test method from these new definitions, and with it he studied differential equations. This method, beyond the usual stability examinations, provided semi-quantitative results.


  1. ^ E. Simonyi: The Dynamics of the Polymerization Processes, Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering – Elektrotechnik, Polytechnical University Budapest, 1967


  • E. Simonyi – M. Kaszás: Method for the Dynamic Analysis of Nonlinear Systems, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering – Chemisches Ingenieurwesen, Polytechnical University Budapest, 1969
  • "Nullcline". PlanetMath.
  • SOS Mathematics: Qualitative Analysis