Nagata ring

In commutative algebra, an N-1 ring is an integral domain A {\displaystyle A} whose integral closure in its quotient field is a finitely generated A {\displaystyle A} -module. It is called a Japanese ring (or an N-2 ring) if for every finite extension L {\displaystyle L} of its quotient field K {\displaystyle K} , the integral closure of A {\displaystyle A} in L {\displaystyle L} is a finitely generated A {\displaystyle A} -module (or equivalently a finite A {\displaystyle A} -algebra). A ring is called universally Japanese if every finitely generated integral domain over it is Japanese, and is called a Nagata ring, named for Masayoshi Nagata, or a pseudo-geometric ring if it is Noetherian and universally Japanese (or, which turns out to be the same, if it is Noetherian and all of its quotients by a prime ideal are N-2 rings). A ring is called geometric if it is the local ring of an algebraic variety or a completion of such a local ring,[1] but this concept is not used much.


Fields and rings of polynomials or power series in finitely many indeterminates over fields are examples of Japanese rings. Another important example is a Noetherian integrally closed domain (e.g. a Dedekind domain) having a perfect field of fractions. On the other hand, a principal ideal domain or even a discrete valuation ring is not necessarily Japanese.

Any quasi-excellent ring is a Nagata ring, so in particular almost all Noetherian rings that occur in algebraic geometry are Nagata rings. The first example of a Noetherian domain that is not a Nagata ring was given by Akizuki (1935).

Here is an example of a discrete valuation ring that is not a Japanese ring. Choose a prime p {\displaystyle p} and an infinite degree field extension K {\displaystyle K} of a characteristic p {\displaystyle p} field k {\displaystyle k} , such that K p k {\displaystyle K^{p}\subseteq k} . Let the discrete valuation ring R {\displaystyle R} be the ring of formal power series over K {\displaystyle K} whose coefficients generate a finite extension of k {\displaystyle k} . If y {\displaystyle y} is any formal power series not in R {\displaystyle R} then the ring R [ y ] {\displaystyle R[y]} is not an N-1 ring (its integral closure is not a finitely generated module) so R {\displaystyle R} is not a Japanese ring.

If R {\displaystyle R} is the subring of the polynomial ring k [ x 1 , x 2 , . . . ] {\displaystyle k[x_{1},x_{2},...]} in infinitely many generators generated by the squares and cubes of all generators, and S {\displaystyle S} is obtained from R {\displaystyle R} by adjoining inverses to all elements not in any of the ideals generated by some x n {\displaystyle x_{n}} , then S {\displaystyle S} is a 1-dimensional Noetherian domain that is not an N-1 ring, in other words its integral closure in its quotient field is not a finitely generated S {\displaystyle S} -module. Also S {\displaystyle S} has a cusp singularity at every closed point, so the set of singular points is not closed.



  • Akizuki, Y. (1935), "Einige Bemerkungen über primäre Integritätsbereiche mit teilerkettensatz", Proceedings of the Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan, 3rd Series, 17: 327–336
  • Bosch, Güntzer, Remmert, Non-Archimedean Analysis, Springer 1984, ISBN 0-387-12546-9
  • Danilov, V.I. (2001) [1994], "geometric ring", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS Press
  • A. Grothendieck, J. Dieudonné, Eléments de géométrie algébrique, Ch. 0IV § 23, Publ. Math. IHÉS 20, (1964).
  • H. Matsumura, Commutative algebra ISBN 0-8053-7026-9, chapter 12.
  • Nagata, Masayoshi Local rings. Interscience Tracts in Pure and Applied Mathematics, No. 13 Interscience Publishers a division of John Wiley & Sons, New York-London 1962, reprinted by R. E. Krieger Pub. Co (1975) ISBN 0-88275-228-6