NKo (Unicode block)

Unicode block containing characters for the Manding languages of West Africa
Unicode character block
(2006)59 (+59)11.0 (2018)62 (+3) Unicode documentationCode chart ∣ Web pageNote: [1][2]
Unicodeblock N'ko

NKo is a Unicode block containing characters for the Manding languages of West Africa, including Bamanan, Jula, Maninka, Mandinka, and a common literary language, Kangbe, also called NKo.

NKo became part of Unicode with version 5.0 in July 2006. With Unicode 11.0 in June 2018, three additional characters were added: a combining mark for abbreviated units of measure and two currency symbols.

Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+07Cx ߀ ߁ ߂ ߃ ߄ ߅ ߆ ߇ ߈ ߉ ߊ ߋ ߌ ߍ ߎ ߏ
U+07Dx ߐ ߑ ߒ ߓ ߔ ߕ ߖ ߗ ߘ ߙ ߚ ߛ ߜ ߝ ߞ ߟ
U+07Ex ߠ ߡ ߢ ߣ ߤ ߥ ߦ ߧ ߨ ߩ ߪ ߫ ߬ ߭ ߮ ߯
U+07Fx ߰ ߱ ߲ ߳ ߴ ߵ ߶ ߷ ߸ ߹ ߺ ߽ ߾ ߿
1.^ As of Unicode version 15.1
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points

The punctuation marks ⟨⸜⟩ and ⟨⸝⟩ were placed in the Supplemental Punctuation block.


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the NKo block:

Version Final code points[a] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document
5.0 U+07C0..07FA 59 L2/03-265 Anderson, Deborah (2003-08-17), Letters in support of encoding N'Ko
L2/03-414 Three letters in support of N'ko encoding, 2003-11-01
L2/04-172 N2765 Everson, Michael; Doumbouya, Mamady; Diané, Baba Mamadi; Jammeh, Karamo Kaba (2004-06-08), Proposal to add the N'Ko script to the BMP of the UCS
L2/04-283 N2833 Everson, Michael (2004-06-23), Revisions to the N'Ko script for the PDAM code chart
L2/05-006 N2898 Doumbouya, Mamady (2005-01-11), Re: N'Ko Proposal in Amendment 2
L2/05-010 Yergeau, François; Andries, Patrick (2005-01-20), Re: N'Ko Proposal in Amendment 2
L2/05-017 N2914 Doumbouya, Mamady (2005-01-21), Documents showing old and new N'Ko letters
N2932 (htm, doc) Doumbouya, Mamady (2005-03-12), Encoding of N'Ko in ISO/IEC 10646
L2/05-026 Moore, Lisa (2005-05-16), "Consensus 102-C1", UTC #102 Minutes, Use the block and long script name "NKo" (without apostrophe) as the name for N'Ko.
L2/05-169 N2949 Yergeau, François; Andries, Patrick (2005-07-12), For a Correct Encoding of N'ko
L2/05-248 N2982 Yergeau, François; Andries, Patrick (2005-09-04), Comments on 2977 (Alleged parallel between 3 N'Ko Glyphs & Latin Long S)
L2/05-270 Whistler, Ken (2005-09-21), "E. N'Ko Name Changes", WG2 Consent Docket (Sophia Antipolis)
L2/05-279 Moore, Lisa (2005-11-10), "Consensus 105-C29", UTC #105 Minutes
N2953 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2006-02-16), "7.2.2", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 47, Sophia Antipolis, France; 2005-09-12/15
L2/05-237 N2977 Everson, Michael; Doumbouya, Mamady; Diané, Baba Mamadi; Jammeh, Karamo Kaba (2008-08-26), Clarification on the identity and use of three N'Ko letters
11.0 U+07FD..07FF 3 L2/15-338 N4706 Everson, Michael (2015-12-19), Proposal to encode four N'Ko characters in the BMP of the UCS
L2/16-037 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Glass, Andrew; Iancu, Laurențiu (2016-01-22), "11", Recommendations to UTC #146 January 2016 on Script Proposals
L2/16-004 Moore, Lisa (2016-02-01), "C.8", UTC #146 Minutes
  1. ^ Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names


  1. ^ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  2. ^ "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.