Mixture fraction

Mixture fraction ( Z {\displaystyle Z} ) is a quantity used in combustion studies that measures the mass fraction of one stream (usually the fuel stream) of a mixture formed by two feed streams, one the fuel stream and the other the oxidizer stream.[1][2] Both the feed streams are allowed to have inert gases.[3] The mixture fraction definition is usually normalized such that it approaches unity in the fuel stream and zero in the oxidizer stream.[4] The mixture-fraction variable is commonly used as a replacement for the physical coordinate normal to the flame surface, in nonpremixed combustion.


Assume a two-stream problem having one portion of the boundary the fuel stream with fuel mass fraction Y F = Y F , F {\displaystyle Y_{F}=Y_{F,F}} and another portion of the boundary the oxidizer stream with oxidizer mass fraction Y O = Y O , O {\displaystyle Y_{O}=Y_{O,O}} . For example, if the oxidizer stream is air and the fuel stream contains only the fuel, then Y O , O = 0.232 {\displaystyle Y_{O,O}=0.232} and Y F , F = 1 {\displaystyle Y_{F,F}=1} . In addition, assume there is no oxygen in the fuel stream and there is no fuel in the oxidizer stream. Let s {\displaystyle s} be the mass of oxygen required to burn unit mass of fuel (for hydrogen gas, s = 8 {\displaystyle s=8} and for C m H n {\displaystyle \mathrm {C} _{m}\mathrm {H} _{n}} alkanes, s = 32 ( m + n / 4 ) / ( 12 m + n ) {\displaystyle s=32(m+n/4)/(12m+n)} [5]). Introduce the scaled mass fractions as y F = Y F / Y F , F {\displaystyle y_{F}=Y_{F}/Y_{F,F}} and y O = Y O / Y O , O {\displaystyle y_{O}=Y_{O}/Y_{O,O}} . Then the mixture fraction is defined as

Z = S y F y O + 1 S + 1 {\displaystyle Z={\frac {Sy_{F}-y_{O}+1}{S+1}}}


S = s Y F , F Y O , O {\displaystyle S={\frac {sY_{F,F}}{Y_{O,O}}}}

is the stoichiometry parameter, also known as the overall equivalence ratio. On the fuel-stream boundary, y F = 1 {\displaystyle y_{F}=1} and y O = 0 {\displaystyle y_{O}=0} since there is no oxygen in the fuel stream, and hence Z = 1 {\displaystyle Z=1} . Similarly, on the oxidizer-stream boundary, y F = 0 {\displaystyle y_{F}=0} and y O = 1 {\displaystyle y_{O}=1} so that Z = 0 {\displaystyle Z=0} . Anywhere else in the mixing domain, 0 < Z < 1 {\displaystyle 0<Z<1} . The mixture fraction is a function of both the spatial coordinates x {\displaystyle \mathbf {x} } and the time t {\displaystyle t} , i.e., Z = Z ( x , t ) . {\displaystyle Z=Z(\mathbf {x} ,t).}

Within the mixing domain, there are level surfaces where fuel and oxygen are found to be mixed in stoichiometric proportion. This surface is special in combustion because this is where a diffusion flame resides. Constant level of this surface is identified from the equation Z ( x , t ) = Z s {\displaystyle Z(\mathbf {x} ,t)=Z_{s}} , where Z s {\displaystyle Z_{s}} is called as the stoichiometric mixture fraction which is obtained by setting Y F = Y O = 0 {\displaystyle Y_{F}=Y_{O}=0} (since if they were react to consume fuel and oxygen, only on the stoichiometric locations both fuel and oxygen will be consumed completely) in the definition of Z {\displaystyle Z} to obtain

Z s = 1 S + 1 {\displaystyle Z_{s}={\frac {1}{S+1}}} .

Relation between local equivalence ratio and mixture fraction

When there is no chemical reaction, or considering the unburnt side of the flame, the mass fraction of fuel and oxidizer are y F , u = Z {\displaystyle y_{F,u}=Z} and y O , u = 1 Z {\displaystyle y_{O,u}=1-Z} (the subscript u {\displaystyle u} denotes unburnt mixture). This allows to define a local fuel-air equivalence ratio ϕ {\displaystyle \phi }

ϕ = s Y F , u Y O , u = S y F , u y O , u . {\displaystyle \phi ={\frac {sY_{F,u}}{Y_{O,u}}}={\frac {Sy_{F,u}}{y_{O,u}}}.}

The local equivalence ratio is an important quantity for partially premixed combustion. The relation between local equivalence ratio and mixture fraction is given by

ϕ = S Z 1 Z Z = ϕ S + ϕ . {\displaystyle \phi ={\frac {SZ}{1-Z}}\qquad \Rightarrow \qquad Z={\frac {\phi }{S+\phi }}.}

The stoichiometric mixture fraction Z s {\displaystyle Z_{s}} defined earlier is the location where the local equivalence ratio ϕ = 1 {\displaystyle \phi =1} .

Scalar dissipation rate

In turbulent combustion, a quantity called the scalar dissipation rate χ {\displaystyle \chi } with dimensional units of that of an inverse time is used to define a characteristic diffusion time. Its definition is given by

χ = 2 D | Z | 2 {\displaystyle \chi =2D|\nabla Z|^{2}}

where D {\displaystyle D} is the diffusion coefficient of the scalar. Its stoichiometric value is χ s = 2 D s | Z | s 2 {\displaystyle \chi _{s}=2D_{s}|\nabla Z|_{s}^{2}} .

Liñán's mixture fraction

Amable Liñán introduced a modified mixture fraction in 1991[6][7] that is appropriate for systems where the fuel and oxidizer have different Lewis numbers. If L e F {\displaystyle Le_{F}} and L e O 2 {\displaystyle Le_{O_{2}}} are the Lewis number of the fuel and oxidizer, respectively, then Liñán's mixture fraction is defined as

Z ~ = S ~ y F y O + 1 S ~ + 1 {\displaystyle {\tilde {Z}}={\frac {{\tilde {S}}y_{F}-y_{O}+1}{{\tilde {S}}+1}}}


S ~ = L e O S L e F . {\displaystyle {\tilde {S}}={\frac {Le_{O}S}{Le_{F}}}.}

The stoichiometric mixture fraction Z ~ s {\displaystyle {\tilde {Z}}_{s}} is given by

Z ~ s = 1 S ~ + 1 {\displaystyle {\tilde {Z}}_{s}={\frac {1}{{\tilde {S}}+1}}} .


  1. ^ Williams, F. A. (2018). Combustion theory. CRC Press.
  2. ^ Peters, N. (2001). Turbulent combustion.
  3. ^ Peters, N. (1992). Fifteen lectures on laminar and turbulent combustion. Ercoftac Summer School, 1428, 245.
  4. ^ Liñán, A., & Williams, F. A. (1993). Fundamental aspects of combustion.
  5. ^ Fernández-Tarrazo, E., Sánchez, A. L., Linan, A., & Williams, F. A. (2006). A simple one-step chemistry model for partially premixed hydrocarbon combustion. Combustion and Flame, 147(1-2), 32-38.
  6. ^ A. Liñán, The structure of diffusion flames, in Fluid Dynamical Aspects of Combustion Theory, M. Onofri and A. Tesei, eds., Harlow, UK. Longman Scientific and Technical, 1991, pp. 11–29
  7. ^ Linán, A. (2001). Diffusion-controlled combustion. In Mechanics for a New Mellennium (pp. 487-502). Springer, Dordrecht.