Meroitic Cursive (Unicode block)

Unicode character block
(2012)26 (+26)8.0 (2015)90 (+64) Unicode documentationCode chart ∣ Web pageNote: [1][2]

Meroitic Cursive is a Unicode block containing demotic-style characters for writing the Meroitic language.[3]

Meroitic Cursive[1][2]
Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+109Ax 𐦠 𐦡 𐦢 𐦣 𐦤 𐦥 𐦦 𐦧 𐦨 𐦩 𐦪 𐦫 𐦬 𐦭 𐦮 𐦯
U+109Bx 𐦰 𐦱 𐦲 𐦳 𐦴 𐦵 𐦶 𐦷 𐦼 𐦽 𐦾 𐦿
U+109Cx 𐧀 𐧁 𐧂 𐧃 𐧄 𐧅 𐧆 𐧇 𐧈 𐧉 𐧊 𐧋 𐧌 𐧍 𐧎 𐧏
U+109Dx 𐧒 𐧓 𐧔 𐧕 𐧖 𐧗 𐧘 𐧙 𐧚 𐧛 𐧜 𐧝 𐧞 𐧟
U+109Ex 𐧠 𐧡 𐧢 𐧣 𐧤 𐧥 𐧦 𐧧 𐧨 𐧩 𐧪 𐧫 𐧬 𐧭 𐧮 𐧯
U+109Fx 𐧰 𐧱 𐧲 𐧳 𐧴 𐧵 𐧶 𐧷 𐧸 𐧹 𐧺 𐧻 𐧼 𐧽 𐧾 𐧿
1.^ As of Unicode version 15.1
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Meroitic Cursive block:

Version Final code points[a] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document
6.1 U+109A0..109B7, 109BE..109BF 26 L2/97-268 N1638 Everson, Michael (1997-09-18), Proposal to encode Meroitic in Plane 1 of ISO/IEC 10646-2
L2/98-070 Aliprand, Joan; Winkler, Arnold, "3.A.4.b", Minutes of the joint UTC and L2 meeting from the meeting in Cupertino, February 25-27, 1998
L2/98-286 N1703 Umamaheswaran, V. S.; Ksar, Mike (1998-07-02), Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes, WG 2 Meeting #34, Redmond, WA, USA; 1998-03-16--20
L2/99-222 N2098 Wolf, Pawel (1999-07-13), Report on the standardization of a Meroitic sign list for Unicode
N2134 Everson, Michael (1999-10-02), Response to comments on the question of encoding Meroitic in the UCS (N2098)
L2/08-269 N3484 Everson, Michael (2008-08-04), Preliminary proposal for encoding the Meroitic script in the SMP of the UCS
L2/09-188R2 N3646R2 Everson, Michael (2009-05-13), Proposal for encoding the Meroitic script in the SMP of the UCS
L2/09-250 N3665 Everson, Michael (2009-07-29), Proposal for encoding the Meroitic Hieroglyphic and the Meroitic Cursive scripts in the SMP of the UCS
L2/09-225R Moore, Lisa (2009-08-17), "C.6", UTC #120 / L2 #217 Minutes
N3703 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2010-04-13), "M55.25", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting no. 55, Tokyo 2009-10-26/30
8.0 U+109BC..109BD, 109C0..109CF, 109D2..109FF[b] 64 L2/11-237 N4098 Suignard, Michel (2011-06-06), Disposition of comments on SC2 N 4168 (ISO/IEC FCD 10646 3rd Ed., Information Technology – Universal Coded Character Set (UCS))
N4103 "T3. Row 109A: Meroitic Cursive", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 58, 2012-01-03
L2/12-206 N4276 Everson, Michael (2012-06-06), Proposal for encoding Meroitic numbers in the SMP of the UCS
L2/12-343R2 Moore, Lisa (2012-12-04), "C.19", UTC #133 Minutes
N4353 (pdf, doc) "M60.16", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 60, 2013-05-23
  1. ^ Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names
  2. ^ See also L2/08-269, L2/09-188R2, and L2/09-250


  1. ^ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  2. ^ "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  3. ^ Everson, Michael (2009-07-29). "N3665: Proposal for encoding the Meroitic Hieroglyphic and the Meroitic Cursive scripts in the SMP of the UCS" (PDF). Working Group Document, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2.