Median algebra

In mathematics, a median algebra is a set with a ternary operation x , y , z {\displaystyle \langle x,y,z\rangle } satisfying a set of axioms which generalise the notions of medians of triples of real numbers and of the Boolean majority function.

The axioms are

  1. x , y , y = y {\displaystyle \langle x,y,y\rangle =y}
  2. x , y , z = z , x , y {\displaystyle \langle x,y,z\rangle =\langle z,x,y\rangle }
  3. x , y , z = x , z , y {\displaystyle \langle x,y,z\rangle =\langle x,z,y\rangle }
  4. x , w , y , w , z = x , w , y , w , z {\displaystyle \langle \langle x,w,y\rangle ,w,z\rangle =\langle x,w,\langle y,w,z\rangle \rangle }

The second and third axioms imply commutativity: it is possible (but not easy) to show that in the presence of the other three, axiom (3) is redundant. The fourth axiom implies associativity. There are other possible axiom systems: for example the two

  • x , y , y = y {\displaystyle \langle x,y,y\rangle =y}
  • u , v , u , w , x = u , x , w , u , v {\displaystyle \langle u,v,\langle u,w,x\rangle \rangle =\langle u,x,\langle w,u,v\rangle \rangle }

also suffice.

In a Boolean algebra, or more generally a distributive lattice, the median function x , y , z = ( x y ) ( y z ) ( z x ) {\displaystyle \langle x,y,z\rangle =(x\vee y)\wedge (y\vee z)\wedge (z\vee x)} satisfies these axioms, so that every Boolean algebra and every distributive lattice forms a median algebra.

Birkhoff and Kiss showed that a median algebra with elements 0 and 1 satisfying 0 , x , 1 = x {\displaystyle \langle 0,x,1\rangle =x} is a distributive lattice.

Relation to median graphs

A median graph is an undirected graph in which for every three vertices x {\displaystyle x} , y {\displaystyle y} , and z {\displaystyle z} there is a unique vertex x , y , z {\displaystyle \langle x,y,z\rangle } that belongs to shortest paths between any two of x {\displaystyle x} , y {\displaystyle y} , and z {\displaystyle z} . If this is the case, then the operation x , y , z {\displaystyle \langle x,y,z\rangle } defines a median algebra having the vertices of the graph as its elements.

Conversely, in any median algebra, one may define an interval [ x , z ] {\displaystyle [x,z]} to be the set of elements y {\displaystyle y} such that x , y , z = y {\displaystyle \langle x,y,z\rangle =y} . One may define a graph from a median algebra by creating a vertex for each algebra element and an edge for each pair ( x , z ) {\displaystyle (x,z)} such that the interval [ x , z ] {\displaystyle [x,z]} contains no other elements. If the algebra has the property that every interval is finite, then this graph is a median graph, and it accurately represents the algebra in that the median operation defined by shortest paths on the graph coincides with the algebra's original median operation.


  • Birkhoff, Garrett; Kiss, S.A. (1947). "A ternary operation in distributive lattices". Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 53 (8): 749–752. doi:10.1090/S0002-9904-1947-08864-9.
  • Isbell, John R. (August 1980). "Median algebra". Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 260 (2). American Mathematical Society: 319–362. doi:10.2307/1998007. JSTOR 1998007.
  • Knuth, Donald E. (2008). Introduction to combinatorial algorithms and Boolean functions. The Art of Computer Programming. Vol. 4. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley. pp. 64–74. ISBN 978-0-321-53496-5.
  • Median Algebra Proof