List of people from Zurich

Many notable people were either born or adopted in the Swiss city of Zürich.

Native people from Zürich

The following were born or adopted in Zürich.

Richard Avenarius
Rosa Bloch-Bollag
Heinrich Bullinger
Max Frisch
Carl Jung
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
Johann Jakob Scheuchzer
Trudi Schoop

A to D

  • Jost Amman (1539–1591) Swiss-German artist
  • Hans Asper (c. 1499–1571), Swiss painter
  • Richard Avenarius (1843–1896), German-Swiss philosopher
  • Hans J. Baer (1927-2011), Swiss banker
  • Johann Georg Baiter (1801–1877), Swiss philologist and textual critic
  • Daniel Barben (born 1961), Swiss professor
  • Denise Biellmann (born 1962), Swiss professional figure skater
  • Diego Benaglio (born 1983), Swiss footballer
  • Severin Blindenbacher (born 1983), Swiss ice hockey player
  • Felix Bloch (1905–1983), Swiss-American physicist
  • Johann Jakob Bodmer (1698–1783) Swiss author, academic and poet
  • Rosa Bloch-Bollag (1880–1922), Swiss politician and activist
  • Johann Kaspar Bluntschli (1808–1881), Swiss jurist and politician
  • Alain de Botton (1969), Swiss-born British author and public speaker
  • Celeste Buckingham (born 1995h), Slovak singer
  • Heinrich Bullinger (1504–1575), Swiss reformer and theologian
  • René Burri (1933–2014), Swiss photographer
  • Monika Dettwiler (born 1948), Swiss-Italian journalist and author
  • Fabio Digenti (born 1983), Swiss football coach
  • Gottlieb Duttweiler (1888–1962), Swiss businessman and politician
  • Ulla Dydo (1925–2017), Swiss writer

E to G

H to K

L to R

S to Z

Famous residents

A to K

L to Z

See also

  • Biography portal
  • Lists portal


  • Prominente Verstorbene on (in German)