List of Aleutian Islands

Major groups in the Aleutian Islands are listed from east to west, and islands within each group are listed alphabetically. The Aleut names are given in parentheses.

Fox Islands

  • Adugak Island - rookery for endangered Steller sea lion
  • Aiktak Island (Ugangax)
  • Akun Island (Akungan)
  • Akutan Island (Akutanax̂) - Mount Akutan volcano, city of Akutan (population 713 in 2000)
  • Amak Island (Amax)
  • Amaknak Island (Amaxnax̂) - population was 2,524 in 2000
  • Amukta Island (Amuux̂tax̂)
  • Ananiuliak Island
  • Avatanak Island (Agutanax̂)
  • Baby Islands
  • Bird Island (Kitnamax)
  • Bogoslof Island (Aĝasaaĝux̂) - sanctuary for sea lions and nesting marine birds
  • Breadloaf Island (Taanĝiinax̂)
  • Buck Island (Ukdax̂sxix)
  • Caton Island (Qagan Unimgix̂)
  • Chagulak Island (Chugssĝinax̂)
Alaska with Aleutian island chain (at bottom), Unalaska Island is marked.
Alaska with Aleutian island chain (at bottom), Unalaska Island is marked.


  • Bergsland, K. Aleut Dictionary, Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center, 1994
  • Orth, Donald J. 1971. Dictionary of Alaskan place names. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 567, 1083 pp.