Lie–Palais theorem

Lifts an action of a finite-dimensional Lie algebra on a manifold to a Lie group action

In differential geometry, a field of mathematics, the Lie–Palais theorem is a partial converse to the fact that any smooth action of a Lie group induces an infinitesimal action of its Lie algebra. Palais (1957) proved it as a global form of an earlier local theorem due to Sophus Lie.


Let g {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {g}}} be a finite-dimensional Lie algebra and M {\displaystyle M} a closed manifold, i.e. a compact smooth manifold without boundary. Then any infinitesimal action a : g X ( M ) {\displaystyle a:{\mathfrak {g}}\to {\mathfrak {X}}(M)} of g {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {g}}} on M {\displaystyle M} can be integrated to a smooth action of a finite-dimensional Lie group G {\displaystyle G} , i.e. there is a smooth action Φ : G × M M {\displaystyle \Phi :G\times M\to M} such that a ( α ) = d e Φ ( , x ) ( α ) {\displaystyle a(\alpha )=d_{e}\Phi (\cdot ,x)(\alpha )} for every α g {\displaystyle \alpha \in {\mathfrak {g}}} .

If M {\displaystyle M} is a manifold with boundary, the statement holds true if the action a {\displaystyle a} preserves the boundary; in other words, the vector fields on the boundary must be tangent to the boundary.


The example of the vector field d / d x {\displaystyle d/dx} on the open unit interval shows that the result is false for non-compact manifolds.

Similarly, without the assumption that the Lie algebra is finite-dimensional, the result can be false. Milnor (1984, p. 1048) gives the following example due to Omori: consider the Lie algebra g {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {g}}} of vector fields of the form f ( x , y ) / x + g ( x , y ) / y {\displaystyle f(x,y)\partial /\partial x+g(x,y)\partial /\partial y} acting on the torus M = R 2 / Z 2 {\displaystyle M=\mathbb {R} ^{2}/\mathbb {Z} ^{2}} such that g ( x , y ) = 0 {\displaystyle g(x,y)=0} for 0 x 1 / 2 {\displaystyle 0\leq x\leq 1/2} . This Lie algebra is not the Lie algebra of any group.

Infinite-dimensional generalization

Pestov (1995) gives an infinite-dimensional generalization of the Lie–Palais theorem for Banach–Lie algebras with finite-dimensional center.


  • Milnor, John Willard (1984), "Remarks on infinite-dimensional Lie groups", Relativity, groups and topology, II (Les Houches, 1983), Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 1007–1057, MR 0830252 Reprinted in collected works volume 5.
  • Palais, Richard S. (1957), "A global formulation of the Lie theory of transformation groups", Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 22: iii+123, ISBN 978-0-8218-1222-8, ISSN 0065-9266, MR 0121424
  • Pestov, Vladimir (1995), "Regular Lie groups and a theorem of Lie-Palais", Journal of Lie Theory, 5 (2): 173–178, arXiv:funct-an/9403004,, ISSN 0949-5932, MR 1389427