Eoghain Ó Cianáin

Eoghain Ó Cianáin, alias Owen Keynan, is listed as of Cappervarget, County Kildare in a Patent Roll of 1540, which states he was a harper and a servant of Gerald FitzGerald, 9th Earl of Kildare. Captain Francis O'Neill notes that he was also term a rymour, a poet, and apparently was blind. He had a son, Cornelius Ó Cianáin, known as Cornelius the Bard.

The Ó Cianáin family included people such as the historian/genealogist Adhamh Ó Cianáin (died 1373) and the travel writer, Tadhg Og Ó Cianáin (died c. 1614).

See also

  • Clàrsach
  • Amhlaeibh Mac Innaighneorach, Chief Harper of Ireland, died 1168
  • Maol Ruanaidh Cam Ó Cearbhaill, tiompanist, murdered Saturday 10 June 1329
  • Donell Dubh Ó Cathail, harper to Elizabeth I, c. 1560s-c.1660
  • Thomas Connellan (c. 1640/1645 – 1698), composer and harpist
  • Turlough O'Carolan (1670-1739), harpist
  • Mary O'Hara (1935), harpist


  • Page 26, Irish Minstrels and Musicians, by Capt. Francis O'Neill, 1913.
  • "The Learned Family of Ó Cianáin/Keenan", Nollaig Ó Muraíle, in Clougher Record, pp. 387–436, 2005.