
Genus of fungi

Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Ascomycota
Class: Sordariomycetes
Order: Microascales
Family: Microascaceae
Genus: Cephalotrichum
Link, 1809

Cephalotrichum is a genus of fungi belonging to the family Microascaceae.[1]


As accepted by Species Fungorum;[2]

  • Cephalotrichum acutisporum J.J. Xu & T.Y. Zhang (2011)
  • Cephalotrichum asperulum (J.E. Wright & S. Marchand) Sand.-Den., Guarro & Gené (2016)
  • Cephalotrichum brevistipitatum Sand.-Den., Guarro & Gené (2016)
  • Cephalotrichum caespitosum Demelius (1923)
  • Cephalotrichum castaneum (Y.L. Jiang & T.Y. Zhang) Y.L. Jiang & T.Y. Zhang (2011)
  • Cephalotrichum commune Demelius (1923)
  • Cephalotrichum cylindricum (Clem. & Shear) S.P. Abbott (2016)
  • Cephalotrichum cylindrosporum Y.L. Zhang & T.Y. Zhang (2011)
  • Cephalotrichum dendrocephalum (Udagawa, Y. Horie & Abdullah) S.P. Abbott (2016)
  • Cephalotrichum domesticum Woudenb. & Seifert (2017)
  • Cephalotrichum ellipsoideum H.Q. Pan & T.Y. Zhang (2011)
  • Cephalotrichum gorgonifer (Bainier) Sand.-Den., Gené & Guarro (2016)
  • Cephalotrichum guizhouense J.R. Jiang, L. Cai & F. Liu (2017)
  • Cephalotrichum heliciforme T.Y. Zhang (2014)
  • Cephalotrichum hinnuleum Sand.-Den., Guarro & Gené (2016)
  • Cephalotrichum inflatum Y.L. Jiang & T.Y. Zhang (2011)
  • Cephalotrichum laeve J.R. Jiang, L. Cai & F. Liu (2017)
  • Cephalotrichum lignatile Woudenb. & Seifert (2017)
  • Cephalotrichum longicollum Y.L. Jiang & T.Y. Zhang (2011)
  • Cephalotrichum macrosporum Y.L. Jiang & T.Y. Zhang (2011)
  • Cephalotrichum medium (Sacc.) S. Hughes (1958)
  • Cephalotrichum microsporum (Sacc.) P.M. Kirk (1984)
  • Cephalotrichum nanum (Ehrenb.) S. Hughes (1958)
  • Cephalotrichum oblongum J.J. Xu & T.Y. Zhang (2011)
  • Cephalotrichum oligotrophicum J.R. Jiang, L. Cai & F. Liu (2017)
  • Cephalotrichum ovoideum Y.L. Jiang & T.Y. Zhang (2011)
  • Cephalotrichum purpureofuscum (S. Hughes) S. Hughes (1958)
  • Cephalotrichum robustum Y.L. Jiang & T.Y. Zhang (2011)
  • Cephalotrichum septatum Demelius (1923)
  • Cephalotrichum spirale H.M. Liu, H.Q. Pan & T.Y. Zhang (2011)
  • Cephalotrichum stemonitis (Pers.) Nees (1809)
  • Cephalotrichum telluricum Woudenb. & Seifert (2017)
  • Cephalotrichum tenuissimum Woudenb. & Seifert (2017)
  • Cephalotrichum terricola Y.L. Jiang & T.Y. Zhang (2011)
  • Cephalotrichum transvaalense Woudenb. & Seifert (2017)
  • Cephalotrichum turriforme T.Y. Zhang, Y.L. Jiang & Y.M. Wu (2017)
  • Cephalotrichum verrucipes Y.L. Jiang & T.Y. Zhang (2011)
  • Cephalotrichum verrucisporum (Y.L. Jiang & T.Y. Zhang) Y.L. Jiang & T.Y. Zhang (2011)

Former species (all family Microascaceae unless stated);[2]

  • C. album (Costantin) Seifert (2013) = Acaulium album
  • C. aspergilloides (Speg.) Kuntze (1898) = Papilionospora aspergilloides, Ascomycota
  • C. atrum (Desm.) Kuntze (1898) = Phaeostilbella nigra, Hypocreales
  • C. azaleae (Peck) Kuntze (1898) = Seifertia azaleae, Ascomycota
  • C. berlesianum (Sacc. & Roum.) Kuntze (1898) = Sporocybe berlesiana, Pleosporales
  • C. brassicicola (Berk. & Broome) Kuntze (1898) = Cephalotrichum purpureofuscum
  • C. brevipes (Wallr.) Kuntze (1898) = Cephalotrichum purpureofuscum
  • C. byssoides (Pers.) Kuntze (1898) = Periconia byssoides, Pleosporales
  • C. calycioides (Fr.) Kuntze (1898) = Exophiala calicioides, Herpotrichiellaceae
  • C. columnare (H.J. Swart) S.P. Abbott (2016) = Kernia columnaris
  • C. cuneiferum (Berk. & Broome) Kuntze (1898) = Parascedosporium putredinis
  • C. curtum Berk. (1841) = Periconia curta, Pleosporales
  • C. echinatum (Rivolta) Toro (1932) = Stachybotrys echinatus, Stachybotryaceae
  • C. leucocephalum Wallr. (1833) = Cephalotrichum purpureofuscum
  • C. phillipsii (Berk. & Leight.) S. Hughes (1958) = Leightoniomyces phillipsii, Ascomycota
  • C. portoricense (F. Stevens & Dalbey) Toro (1932) = Periconiella portoricensis, Mycosphaerellaceae
  • C. resinae (Fr.) Kuntze (1898) = Sorocybe resinae, Amorphothecaceae
  • C. rhopaloides (Sacc. & Roum.) Kuntze (1898) = Sporocybe rhopaloides, Pleosporales
  • C. setosum (Wallr.) Kuntze (1898) = Cephalotrichum stemonitis
  • C. sphaerophilum (Peck) Kuntze (1898) = Scopinella sphaerophila, Hypocreales


  1. ^ "Cephalotrichum Link, 1809". www.mycobank.org. Retrieved 14 April 2021.
  2. ^ a b "Species Fungorum - Search Page -Cephalotrichum". www.speciesfungorum.org. Retrieved 30 August 2023.
Taxon identifiers