Bregman–Minc inequality

In discrete mathematics, the Bregman–Minc inequality, or Bregman's theorem, allows one to estimate the permanent of a binary matrix via its row or column sums. The inequality was conjectured in 1963 by Henryk Minc and first proved in 1973 by Lev M. Bregman.[1][2] Further entropy-based proofs have been given by Alexander Schrijver and Jaikumar Radhakrishnan.[3][4] The Bregman–Minc inequality is used, for example, in graph theory to obtain upper bounds for the number of perfect matchings in a bipartite graph.


The permanent of a square binary matrix A = ( a i j ) {\displaystyle A=(a_{ij})} of size n {\displaystyle n} with row sums r i = a i 1 + + a i n {\displaystyle r_{i}=a_{i1}+\cdots +a_{in}} for i = 1 , , n {\displaystyle i=1,\ldots ,n} can be estimated by

per A i = 1 n ( r i ! ) 1 / r i . {\displaystyle \operatorname {per} A\leq \prod _{i=1}^{n}(r_{i}!)^{1/r_{i}}.}

The permanent is therefore bounded by the product of the geometric means of the numbers from 1 {\displaystyle 1} to r i {\displaystyle r_{i}} for i = 1 , , n {\displaystyle i=1,\ldots ,n} . Equality holds if the matrix is a block diagonal matrix consisting of matrices of ones or results from row and/or column permutations of such a block diagonal matrix. Since the permanent is invariant under transposition, the inequality also holds for the column sums of the matrix accordingly.[5][6]


A binary matrix and the corresponding bipartite graph with a possible perfect matching marked in red. According to the Bregman–Minc inequality, there are at most 18 perfect matchings in this graph.

There is a one-to-one correspondence between a square binary matrix A {\displaystyle A} of size n {\displaystyle n} and a simple bipartite graph G = ( V ˙ W , E ) {\displaystyle G=(V\,{\dot {\cup }}\,W,E)} with equal-sized partitions V = { v 1 , , v n } {\displaystyle V=\{v_{1},\ldots ,v_{n}\}} and W = { w 1 , , w n } {\displaystyle W=\{w_{1},\ldots ,w_{n}\}} by taking

a i j = 1 { v i , w j } E . {\displaystyle a_{ij}=1\Leftrightarrow \{v_{i},w_{j}\}\in E.}

This way, each nonzero entry of the matrix A {\displaystyle A} defines an edge in the graph G {\displaystyle G} and vice versa. A perfect matching in G {\displaystyle G} is a selection of n {\displaystyle n} edges, such that each vertex of the graph is an endpoint of one of these edges. Each nonzero summand of the permanent of A {\displaystyle A} satisfying

a 1 σ ( 1 ) a n σ ( n ) = 1 {\displaystyle a_{1\sigma (1)}\cdots a_{n\sigma (n)}=1}

corresponds to a perfect matching { { v 1 , w σ ( 1 ) } , , { v n , w σ ( n ) } } {\displaystyle \{\{v_{1},w_{\sigma (1)}\},\ldots ,\{v_{n},w_{\sigma (n)}\}\}} of G {\displaystyle G} . Therefore, if M ( G ) {\displaystyle {\mathcal {M}}(G)} denotes the set of perfect matchings of G {\displaystyle G} ,

| M ( G ) | = per A {\displaystyle |{\mathcal {M}}(G)|=\operatorname {per} A}

holds. The Bregman–Minc inequality now yields the estimate

| M ( G ) | i = 1 n ( d ( v i ) ! ) 1 / d ( v i ) , {\displaystyle |{\mathcal {M}}(G)|\leq \prod _{i=1}^{n}(d(v_{i})!)^{1/d(v_{i})},}

where d ( v i ) {\displaystyle d(v_{i})} is the degree of the vertex v i {\displaystyle v_{i}} . Due to symmetry, the corresponding estimate also holds for d ( w i ) {\displaystyle d(w_{i})} instead of d ( v i ) {\displaystyle d(v_{i})} . The number of possible perfect matchings in a bipartite graph with equal-sized partitions can therefore be estimated via the degrees of the vertices of any of the two partitions.[7]

Using the inequality of arithmetic and geometric means, the Bregman–Minc inequality directly implies the weaker estimate

per A i = 1 n r i + 1 2 , {\displaystyle \operatorname {per} A\leq \prod _{i=1}^{n}{\frac {r_{i}+1}{2}},}

which was proven by Henryk Minc already in 1963. Another direct consequence of the Bregman–Minc inequality is a proof of the following conjecture of Herbert Ryser from 1960. Let k {\displaystyle k} by a divisor of n {\displaystyle n} and let Λ k n {\displaystyle \Lambda _{kn}} denote the set of square binary matrices of size n {\displaystyle n} with row and column sums equal to k {\displaystyle k} , then

max A Λ k n per A = ( k ! ) n / k . {\displaystyle \max _{A\in \Lambda _{kn}}\operatorname {per} A=(k!)^{n/k}.}

The maximum is thereby attained for a block diagonal matrix whose diagonal blocks are square matrices of ones of size k {\displaystyle k} . A corresponding statement for the case that k {\displaystyle k} is not a divisor of n {\displaystyle n} is an open mathematical problem.[5][6]

See also

  • Computing the permanent


  1. ^ Henryk Minc (1963), "Upper bounds for permanents of (0,1)-matrices", Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 69: 789–791, doi:10.1090/s0002-9904-1963-11031-9
  2. ^ Lev Bregman (1973), "Some properties of nonnegative matrices and their permanents", Soviet Math. Dokl., 14: 945–949
  3. ^ Alexander Schrijver (1978), "A short proof of Minc's conjecture", J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 25: 80–83, doi:10.1016/0097-3165(78)90036-5
  4. ^ Jaikumar Radhakrishnan (1997), "An entropy proof of Bregman's theorem", J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 77: 161–164, doi:10.1006/jcta.1996.2727
  5. ^ a b Henryk Minc (1984), Permanents, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 6, Cambridge University Press, pp. 107–109
  6. ^ a b Vladimir Sachkov (1996), Combinatorial Methods in Discrete Mathematics, Cambridge University Press, pp. 95–97
  7. ^ Martin Aigner, Günter M. Ziegler (2015), Das Buch der Beweise (4. ed.), Springer, pp. 285–292
  • Robin Whitty. "Bregman's Theorem" (PDF; 274 KB). Theorem of the Day. Retrieved 19 October 2015.