1551 in literature

Overview of the events of 1551 in literature
List of years in literature (table)
  • … 1541
  • 1542
  • 1543
  • 1544
  • 1545
  • 1546
  • 1547
  • 1548
  • 1549
  • 1550
  • 1551
  • 1552
  • 1553
  • 1554
  • 1555
  • 1556
  • 1557
  • 1558
  • 1559
  • 1560
  • 1561

This article contains information about the literary events and publications of 1551.


  • June 27Edict of Châteaubriant prohibits possessing any books listed on the University of Paris's Index, translating the Bible or works of the Church Fathers, importing books from Geneva or other places not under the Catholic Church's control, or printing or selling any religious books written in the last 40 years.[1]
  • unknown dates

New books







  1. ^ Pottinger, David Thomas (1958). The French Book Trade in the Ancien Régime, 1500–1791. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. p. 58. OCLC 7385496598.
  2. ^ Kollmann, Jack (1978). The Moscow Stoglav ('Hundred Chapters') Church Council of 1551. PhD dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.